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Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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New driver trying to pick a company

Hey Enrico, I've done a lot of research on different school options. The best way that I found is to try and get a WIA or similar grant from the state to pay for you to attend a private CDL school. If that isn't an option, I liked what Knight Transportation has to offer. They also pay you while you are attending their school. Check out the links on this website for better info on the different schools, then contact company recruiters to see what they offer. Hope this helps.

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Knight or Swift?

Thanks for the great info on Knight. I'm scheduled to start their training March 3. I was looking at a few other companies while in a CDL school. Those options were removed by not getting my CDL as I had expected, and having to move my family to Florida reduced the number of companies that would hire me with or without my CDL.

Now, I've chosen Knight and look forward to the challenge, and a pay check! I'll work out of the Lakeland terminal once I complete training.

Thanks again, Rick

Hey Rick, just curious how things went for ya. I've got my CDL permit, just waiting for an answer from the state for a WIA grant to pay for CDL school. I'm leaning toward Knight, on their dry van side, once I get my CDL. Without the grant I will probably give Knight a call for their school options in Mississippi. I liked what I read about their Squire CDL school.

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Knight or Swift?

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. If your concerned about Knights physical getting a DOT physical done prior will do nothing for you. The Knight physical is much more involved. I was concerned about it but made it through without a problem and I am not the most fit person in the world. You will be lifting some crates with weights in them, carrying them about ten yards and setting them down. Lift rinse repeat about 5 times. You will do some knee bends a few times, not all the way down just to where your thighs are about level with the ground and your arms out in front of you. You step on and off a step for bout a minute and they let you rest to make sure your rate comes back down. You pull some weights in a crate towards you by pulling a towel they have them set on. You also pick up a crate and set it on a 4' table. And step up and down 10 times on a high step to simulate getting in and out of a truck.

It is much more than a regular DOT physical, a lot of companies are heading this direction from what I hear. But it's still nothing to get worked up over. Maybe a short female would have trouble with the setting it up on a bench, but most people are not going to have a problem. Only people that were delayed were because of blood pressure, my self included which was really strange. But I was really stressed about the test from stories I had heard. Believe me there were some guys in my class that lets just say hadn't seen there feet by looking down in years but they made it through.

If your really concerned just do some stretching and light workouts, even just walking will help, for a couple weeks before you go and you will be fine. T be honest with you the physical just made me want to start working out again, I felt great when it was over lol.

If all goes well I will be testing out this Monday and getting my own truck!

And for the poster that asked, yes they have a 7/7. They also have a 14/7 which is what I was originally wanted. I'm going to try it in my own truck first before I make that move. Those programs require slip seating, and unfortunately not all drivers are the cleanest of creatures lol.


Good luck with your test Monday, I'm sure you'll do fine. Let us know what kind of truck they gave you to go solo with.

The part of the physical that I'm concerned with is BP. Mine has been a little elevated recently. The Dr. put me on BP meds. So when I get a chance I'm going to get my own DOT physical, just for my own peace of mind.

Thanks to the other posters on here for their input. The Knight drivers especially, like to here how you're doing.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Knight or Swift?

Ryan, you can always go otr for a year, then try and get something more local to your area for family. At least that is what I have read from other drivers.

Thomas, fellow Floridian; how do you find the winter driving compared to driving in Florida? If you drove with Knight during the warmer months, how are they on idle time to keep cool at night?

The recruiter told me I would be working out of the Lakeland terminal also, have they kept you east, west or all over? Do you run reefer or dry?

I've seen a few Knight trucks here in southwest Fl on a couple of occasions.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Knight or Swift?

Thanks for the responses guy's I really appreciate it.

I think I will get a DOT physical here before I commit to Knight. No major issues just want to have all of my ducks in a row before I quit a perfectly good job.

I lived in western NC mountains for about 4 years. I was an electrician part of that time and worked outdoors in below freezing weather. I think the coldest it got when I was there was 9 above. I actually prefer the colder temps compared to S. Fl.'s two and hotter. Over the years I've usually had physical jobs. I'm not enjoying being a desk jockey which I thought I would. I guess I'm used to working outdoors after doing so for many years.

Ryan, one of my sister's lives in southern Wisconsin. I guess that is about the polar opposite of Florida. There is cold and then there is frozen tundra cold. Which by the way I hope the frozen conditions help the Packers defeat the Niners.

I've been researching trucking since about June of last year. Both times that I was ready to make a change, I got a promotion so I stayed where I was. Now I'm ready to make the change. I have scoured this website (thank you to Brett)and found a Plethora of information. The links that Brett gave you will answer many questions that you have. After that, contact recruiters from companies that you are interested in. That is what I did and found my options to be extremely limited given my geographic location.

Knight has everything I am looking for as an inexperienced driver. Paid school, paid training, decent equipment, and they hire out of my area. They do that for me, they will have a loyal employee working for them.


Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Knight or Swift?

Wow thats cold! We got 50 here last night and people were going berserk buying space heaters.

I also now understand your point about reefer vs. dry van.

BTW the Knight recruiter has returned my latest email so I'm still good with them to pretty much go to Olive Branch later this month. I just had reservations about the DOT physical and that is what the recruiter has pretty much ignored. She won't respond to my concerns but she says I'm still good to go. What I was trying to avoid was quitting my job, going to Mississippi and being sent home per DOT physical issues. But the more I've researched it the more I think I will be okay.

Hope you got that Florida load to thaw out a bit.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Knight or Swift?

Thanks for the update.

Swift told me they don't hire this far south. And now Knight recruiter didn't respond to my last email 6 day's ago. I hope it's just because of the holiday's. I called Werner, after attending road master in Tampa, they would only offer slip seat out of Atlanta terminal and I would have to ride a Werner bus back and forth between Atlanta and South Florida everytime I took hometime, or slip seat "van jumper fleet" out of Lakeland, Fl. Both are supposed to be drop and hook though. Jumper fleet is 3 weeks out which isn't bad, the slip seat stinks though. I hate south florida! I'm literally closer to Cuba than I am to Georgia!!!

Knight still sounds good, but at this point I'd jump at just about any offer to drive.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Knight or Swift?

Woody, sounds like you chose Knight for a lot of the same reasons that I am favoring them right now. I would much prefer solo training vs. team driving while training. And getting paid while in school is an added bonus. I realize that you are busy learning your new profession. So whenever you get a chance to update will be much appreciated.

I saw that you mentioned you drove deadhead. Does Knight pay deadhead miles?



Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Knight or Swift?

I really appreciate the responses.

I have long term goals in mind. I definitely plan on paying dues as a new driver. Going without a paycheck for a few weeks might be something I can't do (Swift school). That is why I'm leaning toward Knight. I guess that is the main question I was asking. Swift is a huge company with many avenues of driving opportunities available. I am apprehensive about whether or not Knight can offer similar opportunities and more importantly, miles. If either company provides the same opportunity, and it is up to me on how hard I run, then there is not an issue.

I realize I will be a new driver. I expect to be tested, and I am willing to take loads others may not be willing to take. My work ethic is mainly to keep my mouth shut, do what I am asked to do to the best of my ability, and the rest falls into place. The company will either see me as an asset or not.

Woody, I would very much like to read about your experiences with Knight. I still have a few weeks before I make a final decision, and all the information I can get will be beneficial in making the right decision. What ever I decide, I will stick with that company for at least a year.

Also, I've looked at reefer vs. dry van. From what I've read it looks like the miles even out because of the live load and unloading of reefer vs. a lot of drop and hook for dry. Please correct me if I am wrong. Home time is important but not a catalyst. Every 3-4 weeks would be okay with me. Maybe after a year I might like more home time and look at regional or dedicated.

Swift has Wal-Mart dedicated account out of or near Arcadia Fl. which is less than an hour from me. Their terminal is Ocala Fl. which is about 3.5 to 4 hours. And Knight's terminal is Lakeland, about 3 to 3.5 hours from me.

Thanks again,


Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Knight or Swift?

Guy, thanks for the reply. From what I've read, both companies would fit my needs. I'm looking for OTR for a while then maybe regional or dedicated.

I've heard Swift has a good Wal-Mart dedicated account in Florida. But Knight will pay me while I am in school, that is a big deal for me. I'm leaning toward Knight, the recruiter called me the morning after I applied on-line. She told me once I get my CDL A permit to call her and she will set me up an orientation date. I haven't applied with Swift yet. Either way I am looking at mid January before I go anywhere (son goes back to college then).

I don't want to wait to long because I want to get some winter driving under my belt while I am with a trainer. Born and raised in south Fl., mountains,snow and ice isn't exactly something I have a lot of experience with.

I located a Florida Trooper at a gas station the other day, and asked him about both companies. He just happened to be on their commercial vehicle enforcement team. He told me both are good, hasn't had any real issues with either company. Equipment was up to par. That was good to hear.

Thanks again for the reply, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas.


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