Profile For Dave S.

Dave S.'s Info

  • Location:
    Staten Island , NY

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 3 months ago

Dave S.'s Bio

I am 43 years old I live in NYC and have always wanted to be a truck driver but I had some concerns about the lifestyle and a few other things and being a procrastinator my whole life hasn't done me any favors. I wanna kick myself for not doing something about this sooner because I could very well be in a much better position today then I currently am in now had I done this sooner.

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Posted:  9 years ago

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Hearing test

I was wondering how the hearing test works for a company pyhsical I assume they give you a forced whisper test like they do for the DOT physical but suppose you only pass it in one ear do you still pass or will they turn you down??

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Blood Pressure question

Thanks man when they hired you did they give you a year to lower it or was it sooner?? I have heard stories if your pressure is high you only get a 3 month medical and then you have to go back

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Blood Pressure question

I just had my BP checked and it was 148 over 82 which is a little high but slightly down from last week when it was 150 over 85 so while I saw some improvement I still need to lower it a bit more but just outta curiousity If I apply with swift or another company and mu pressure is still slightly high would they still send me home or would they allow me to start training and have me recheck it to make sure that I got it down since Im only a few numbers over the limit??

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Swift and BP issues

No need to apologize I truly appreciate all the help and advice from everyone here I know I need to get my blood pressure under control before I even attempt the physical I also have a bad stignatism and always have trouble reading an eye chart and I am deaf in one ear and while I still passed a forced whisper test in both ears I worry that the company physical is more thorough then the DOT physical and that they might not pass me so I have a few issues here to deal with

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Swift and BP issues

I am on a low dose of Blood Pressure medications and have been stressing lately to the point that either I have white coat syndrome or possibly need to have my medication adjusted last month I went for a checkup and my pressure was 140 over 100 yesterday it was 150 over 85 so I did get the bottom number down but now the top number is too high in the meantime I spoke to a swuft recruiter to see if they would still take me on ( I enquired about a year ago and foolishly didnt follow up) and they said as long as I can pass a physical they would take me on they said 500 a week until I have 200 hours with a trainer and then they bump me up to 37 cents a mile which sounds too good to be true because everyone else I spoke to said 300 or 400 a week and then bump me up to 25 or 27 cents a mile and to be honest I feel like Im being lied to no matter who Im talking to has anyone here worked for swift and if so how thorough is their physical??

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Company physical

When I applied with them awhile back they told me they would send me to a doctor in my area to take my physical then send me to orientation so either she lied to me or maybe it depends on the area you live in. I do get the feeling that I'm being lied to about several things when I talk to a recruiter

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Company physical

Im thinking about Werner since they have orientation in PA and are close to me but I have enquired with celadon and a few other places too my options are limited since I have no experience Schneider told me i take the physical before I go to orientation which makes sense cause why send someonre all the way to orientation and then send them back home If they cant pass a physical

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Company physical

Just curious about the orientation physical is it the same as the DOT physical or would be it more or less thorough?? I know I have to get my blodd pressure under control although it was only slightly high but still high enough to have an issue passing a physical. I am also nearly deaf in my left ear but have been told the right ear compensates for the left ear and shouldn't have trouble driving a tractor trailer. I passed the force whisper test in both ears when I took my last DOT physical. Maybe I'm worrying more then I should but I really hate taking physicals plus at my age 43 I feel like that is another strike against me as most truckers get into the business in there 20's or 30's

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Car lease

Ii have another year on a lease but.I want to.get started on my trucking career assuming my blood pressure can get under control.and my recent accident doesnt hinder me I have concerns with paying a car payment and insurance while being on the road so much espicially at the beginning were I hear I will be gone for a month or 6 weeks to start but I also want a car for when I am home and need to get around and see my friends. Does anyone else own or lease a car or do you just save the money what about a home ir aoartment?? I assume thise that are single might.give uo.a home but those with families would still keep their homes I love the trucker life but also want a home life too

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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I have never been to Chicago but I live in NYC and there are sone vwry narrow roads that not only scare me as a possible future trucker but make me wonder how the hell they even get down those roads

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