Profile For Cavorkykid

Cavorkykid's Info

  • Location:
    West Richland, WA

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 3 months ago

Cavorkykid's Bio

Making a career change for my children and wife. Currently a Chef and love what I do but not being challenged in my career.

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Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Lease operator question

Alright I will try to make this quick and simple. I have been in the industry for 3 years. I have been with my current company for 2 hauling bulk liquid. The company isn't a transportation company but a manufacturing company that just so happens to have 3 trucks so the loads are there. This last year I grossed 90k. This company had one owner operator when I started and just leased on another. I have been informed the company will pay for permits, licenses, fuel, tires, and taxes. I'm not sure on insurance but the truck payment will be the owners responsibility. Now this sounds to good to be true and haven't spoke to the other two operators but if you only had to cover insurance and truck what would be the minimum per week to succeed and still bring home 90k. Now when I ask this the amount per week would need to be enough to set aside for repairs and the ability to buy another truck.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Share your memorable moments....

I don't remember that on the Sears Tower I was Also just a kid. Scariest I have was driving my family to Fort Collins on 287 we passed when available to do so but hit black ice and spun out. Was hit by a fully loaded mail carrier thank god my family walked away unscathed. The best thing also happend that day. We found out my wife was pregnant with our beautiful daughter. Funny thing about all of this is I have nightmares about that day and here I am on my first load to Amarillo Tx and resting here in Laramie. I will tackle hwy 287 with no regrets and get that horrible moment behind us.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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T Enterprise Pasco Wa

Been super busy with school and work. I passed my skills test yesterday. Will have my class A on Tuesday. Tge last three weeks of school was pretty consistent. With driving 2 hours a day, backing 1 pretrip 1 and class time 1 hour. I still have 2.5 hours of driving time and an hour backing before I can get my 160 hour certificate. We learned double clutching on a 6 spd, and floating on 10 and 13 spds. I missed 5 on my pre trip, missed a sign that the examiner ask about while driving and only used my two pull ups and G.O.A.L on my 90. For the last two weeks I had no prob getting the 90 in one shot. Anyways great school great instructors. I will be doing a test drive with a couple employers here next week. Thanks Brett and everyone here for all the help and training program.

Posted:  8 years, 12 months ago

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T Enterprise Pasco Wa

So this week started with an hour of backing, then pre trip. Some class time and then more backing. It got better the last hour of backing specially since I have never back a trailer of any kind. The rest of this week has been all class time. I passed my doubles & triples, tankers, and hazmat endorsement test today. Just waiting on the birth cert then can add the permit to my license. The high road training has helped tremendously. Thanks to every one here I can now look forward two a career OTR.

Posted:  9 years ago

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T Enterprise Pasco Wa

Well I started class on the 8th. Missed the first day of class on the 7th. Both days were General Knowledge. Watched a lot of videos and took practice test. Wednesday the 9th did some pre trip for a couple hours and then back to the class room for air brakes. Again videos and then practice test. Thursday the 10th started with more pre trip. Then a little refresher on General Knowledge and air brakes. Then off to the dol to test. Passed my General Knowledge and only missed one Question. Air brakes was 100%. Friday the 11th started with combination studying, videos then pre test. After that we were of two the dol to test. Got another 100% on the combinations. Just waiting on my birth certificate from California, then can add permit to my license. Overall a good week great instructors and class sizes are perfect. Will try and keep posting as I go but will be pulling 13 to 15 hours a day, so forgive me if I take some time.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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T Enterprise Pasco Wa

Well been busy working my ass off to pay my bills. I haven't started school yet do to financial difficulties, was under the impression my father was going to pay for school. Now he made an offer to pay for half once I put half down. After I graduate he'll pay me back my half. Either way I can't complain, just shows a higher power wants me to gain a little more patience before I get behind the big wheel. So waiting on W2's and will pay once I get my tax refund. Looking for sometime in February which in all its good because all my moving violations will be behind me at the end of February. And will graduate in March. I've also read the industry starts to pick back up in spring and summer so fingers crossed, and will keep posting regularly.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Denied by Henderson and Prime

Just keep trying. My best friends step father is currently driving OTR and was released in 2015 for trafficking charges. Like every one said a pending charge usually means you can't leave the county. Which means your a risk. I've been denied multiple opportunities with company sponsored training. Honestly all but FFE I don't apply to them because I still would need my CDL in my state. Local gigs are your best bet the instructor at the school I'm going to attend told me 20% of her students are felons. Keep you chin up, and remember everyone has there own problems.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Having a cat in the truck

My biggest worry is were will that litter even if its cleaned daily go when something serious arises. As my 2 yr old would say eeeewwwww yukka. Hey every one has there preference.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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T Enterprise Pasco Wa

So I have filled out application for the program and replacement training deduction of $678.40. I will start class on 01/25/2016. Its a four week class and have court dates on the 27 and 02/01/2016 so wont graduate of till the end of February. Will try to post daily but will also be working full time.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Cooking on the road questions

Induction burners kick butt, stream jacket kettle ie electric thermos are good to. The wok idea is definitely one I'm going use. As for cleaning, soapy water, bleach spray, and paper towels is all ill need, and all the health department requires in a restaurant.

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