buena park, CA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Automatic transmission out of Cdl school help!
Hey Errol thank you for the fast response I don't wanna leave knight I think they are great for what they offer. It's just I would want at least a few more weeks learning a manual transmission what I learned in Cdl school was very little was only enough to pass the Cdl test. I just want some more time so I'll feel comfortable whenever I get back behind a manual transmission. My only fear is what if I stay with knight get my experience in a automatic and a year later I go local and they drive strictly manual transmission. And I fail a rode test cause I wasn't shifting right or something along Those lines I just wanna make sure I am proficient or at least comfortable in a manual before I drive automatics .
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Automatic transmission out of Cdl school help!
Hey everyone so I have a question or maybe a problem I just recived my Cdl though Knight's Squire Training and tested out on a manual transmission however my trainer has an automatic transmission and from what I hear when I am assigned my own truck I'll have an automatic as well. I was kind of hoping I'll have more time to learn on a manual so whenever I leave knight or think about going local I won't be limited in options by just knowing how to drive auto.
I talked to my recruiter they can't really do anything about it since Knight is switching their fleet to all autos by the end of the year . Would it be best to stay put and get my experience with knight but strictly automatic transmission. Or jump ship to another company that will allow me to train and get my experience on a manual.?
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Thank you for the response I did what u said and went to the DMV and got a copy of my mvr there isn't anything on there so I guess it was just an at fault accident with insurance so I should be good to go when the time comes to job search thanks a lot for the information I really appreciate it
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Hey everyone first of I'd like to say thanks for all the information available on trucking truth .com it has helped me pass my cdl permit tests along with all my endorsements ! I am currently in cdl school in Los Angeles California and I am about a month away from being done my question is. 7 months prior to my enrollment for school I got into an accident no tickets no police were called it was a minor but I was at fault will this one accident keep me from getting hired out of school ?
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Automatic transmission out of Cdl school help!
Thank you very much to every one who took the time to respond . I'm gonna stay with knight and finish out my training in the automatic I talked to my trainer and he's gonna let me do some local runs in a manual before I test out for my own truck so everything is going good now thank you once again for the great advice 😀