I talked to a recruiter today to get a pre hire and I told her about the reckless driving I had in 2010 along with how long my license was revoked she said that should not be a problem but I also had a impropper driving and impropper lane change but those fell off my driving record already should those two violations affect me I'm scared to go to school just to not be able to get a job virginia law states impropper driving drops off after three years but I'm not sure if the trucking companies still have a way to see it or not
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Driving record
I talked to a recruiter today to get a pre hire and I told her about the reckless driving I had in 2010 along with how long my license was revoked she said that should not be a problem but I also had a impropper driving and impropper lane change but those fell off my driving record already should those two violations affect me I'm scared to go to school just to not be able to get a job virginia law states impropper driving drops off after three years but I'm not sure if the trucking companies still have a way to see it or not