Profile For Charlie Mac

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    Indianapolis, IN

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    Experienced Driver

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    9 years, 3 months ago

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Posted:  1 year, 9 months ago

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Poppin' in to the old Stomping Grounds

Old School! I'll never forget your profile pic as long as I live ❤️ Salt of the Earth I tell ya H'wat.

Many nights I've popped through & almost nobody was around to provide me guidance, and Old School was there like a beacon in the night with his sage advice.

Never fails. Listen to this guy y'all. He'll never steer ya wrong!

Nice to hear from you my old friend. Hope all is well on the other side of the Mississippi.

Posted:  1 year, 9 months ago

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Poppin' in to the old Stomping Grounds

Hey y'all! Just popping into say hello 👋

I haven't been around these parts in a minute. Coming to brush up on my HazMat & what better place to do it in?

I owe a lot to this site. Almost 8 years ago it was the first step in changing my life. I now own my own house (on a lake) my wife gets to stay home & raise my 2 beautiful daughters and I'm still out there doing my best to keep the shiny side up!

Idk if Brett still mods here, but I owe a lot to that guy & the whole TT community.

Good luck to those out there following your dreams. You can do it!

Lots of Love


Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Can only get better

I know all about "toughing it out", but I'd take issue with sleeping on some other guys mattress.

You want me to do a recovery? Fine. Deliver the load? okay. Clean his truck? That's iffy...I'd have to see it. Sleep on his mattress? No way.

You're a braver man than I.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Prepass vs Scale Sign

If there's ever any doubt...pull in.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Popping in to say Hello :)

Old School, "angry milk" LOL. Never heard that one before...but it makes sense. I think it kinda feels like getting whacked in the back with a mattress.

The fuller tanks don't surge as much (53k ish) as there's no where for the milk to slosh. Anything under 50k wrecks havok though when I have to slow down/stop or hit one of those 25mph curves...(or 12mph curves as I like to call them) Lbvs.

The empty tanks weigh about 10k (light right!) and the CNG tractors even fully loaded with fuel don't have the weight that a fully fueled diesel tractor would have. About 17,800 Bobtail.

I've got a bulk transportation agriculture permit (for an extra 2k pounds on the drives) so I can run 12/36/34 legally, but I'm seldom 81k gross.

Big Scott, I'm guessing you were either @ the 201 (newly remodeled!) or in Whiteland across the street from Love's?

🎹 man, CNG isn't bad...but you have to drain the fuel filters daily (there's 2 of them) or moisture will bog the engine down & it smells like rotten eggs & butane.

Danielsahn, Thanks! (So does the wife) LOL.

Brett, I'm indebted to you more than you know for maintaining this site. The free practice tests are an invaluable asset & friendly straight-shooting moderation is second to none.

I hope you're doing well & not forgetting to take some time for yourself along the way of keeping TT running like a finely tuned rig fresh out of Blue Beacon. ☺

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Popping in to say Hello :)


Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Popping in to say Hello :)


Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Popping in to say Hello :)

Howdy all! It's been awhile since I checked in last. I'm currently pulling tankers of raw milk from dairy barns in Northern Indiana to various Kroger creameries. If you live in the Midwest & buy anything with dairy in it that's Kroger brand, (milk, ice cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese etc.) chances are I've pulled it.

The company is called "Ruan" and they trucks run on CNG (compressed natural gas) instead of diesel. The CNG also comes from the cows @ dairys I pick up from. They take the cow pies & feed it into a "digester" that converts it into methane which is then pumped through a pipeline to the company fuel islands.

It's neat to use a renewable resource...but there is a downside. I run about 500 miles a day & have to fuel twice during this run. The tank on the truck holds about 3600psi of fuel & I use about 4600psi per day. (And I miss those fuel points!)

If you're ever running on I-65 & see a Ruan tanker be sure & wave!

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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What areas do y'all feel the safest driving in and which areas do y'all avoid like the plague?

I don't mind driving anywhere on a U.S. Interstate. I really like the sights on I-80 once you hit the desert.

I despise those state routes that take you through backwoods small towns, mostly because the speed limit goes 60...55...45...35....45...55...60. (Sprinkled w/ stoplights).

Wash, rinse & repeat.

I've delivered to some villages in Pennsylvania tucked into moutainsides that shouldn't have 2 lane car traffic, much less trucks w/ 53" trailers. 😑

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Important Documents

I have one of those clip-boards with a locking storage hatch built in. Calculator built into the clipper. You can buy 'm at any truck stop or Wally-World.

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