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Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Haven't driven a CDL in 5+ years, where should i start?
Hi everyone, Some background: i got my CDL when i was 18, got a job right away but only worked 3 months because of a pay issue. After that it was very hard to find a job so i went a different route. Now I'm 25, quit my job on an ambulance yesterday and wanted to get back into trucking. I filled out an application at a local place where I know a few people and got called back for a road test today. I practically bombed the road test, no safety issues but I sure forgot how narrow the gears are and had a bit of trouble in the lower gears where they are so close but i was fine in the higher gears. I called a few companies and because I'm not a recent grad and I have no experience I couldn't really qualify. Any ideas of where I might start. I was thinking of going to a local school and renting the truck to practice but what about job opportunities? thanks in advance.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Haven't driven a CDL in 5+ years, where should i start?
Thanks for the replies, Yes i still have my cdl. The only problem I had on the road test was the shifting, i passed the companies pretrip, safety and everything else but they were short drivers and not in a position to accommodate my relearning curve and like i said its a good local company and i was only one of 12 there for 2 spots. I talked to a recruiter at another company nearby and they gave me a name and number to a school that they use to train all their drivers and the schools refresher is quite frankly longer than my original school was which is great but the only bad part is the price. two companies that sponsor training that i was thinking about both told me I already have my cdl go get 6 months experience and come back. I think i'll go with the refresher. Thanks again everyone,