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Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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How to choose the best Owner Operator Insurance Plan?

What is the difference between getting insurance from a Motor Carrier or have an Independent Contractor Policy? Pros and cons to each option?

I previously worked at OOIDA. I have had several years of experience working with Americas truckers to help them understand their policy. I am now an Agent with Farmers Insurance. Motor carriers are required to extend their liability to their owner operators that are leased through a motor carrier agreement. You can only get a secondary liability for driving on your personal time, and your own physical damage for your truck. It has been a long debate between truckers and law makers but in truth, the regulation states the motor carrier is responsible for your equipment on the road while under dispatch. You will have to get insurance through them unless you are operating under your own MC and DOT numbers. If you need help with anything feel free to contact me. Have a great day

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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I'm curious about insurance for belongings in the truck

I've always been a renter, and have had renters insurance. The policy covers my belongings in the house, but most also covered my belongings in my personal vehicle. So if my phone or purse were stolen out of my vehicle, the policy on my apartment would cover the loss. I guess home-owners insurance is similar.

But now, I'm not going to have an apartment to insure. I'm wondering if there is some kind of trucker insurance? Anyone know?


Depends on the policy wording. Not all insurance policies are created equal. I'm with Farmers insurance and I can tell you our policy has certain limits on the amount of coverage that is extended to "property off premises" as they call it. It would be important to make sure the policy extends coverage for those items. If you have more personal property than the special limits allow you may want to increase your personal property coverage. Some insurance companies also offer a personal property coverage with the purchase of Physical Damage. However there may be no reason to add this on if you have the right homeowner/renter policy. And you can bet they are going to make the homeowner policy pay first. I am an agent in the Missouri and Kansas area. Give me a call if you have any questions.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Insurance companies and their power

I would like to know just how much power insurance companies have in whether a person gets rejected or accepted by a trucking company. Most recruiters have told me that insurance companies are all powerful..........but a couple have said they have no power at all. Anybody know for sure

Depending on your insurance policy they may have rules and regulations on the minimum amount of experience or violations that are acceptable. This is not uncommon in the insurance industry as they are allowed to accept the "risk" or not accept the "risk". Some will require 2 years minimum experience which you will find the insurance rates usually lower, others may allow new drivers but you can bet you will pay for that type of policy. Best practice is to ask the insurance company. If you have any questions call me. I am an insurance agent with Farmers insurance. I would be more than happy to help.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Insurance Business Liability

Hello! I make a business plan for the cars hauler carrier company. Trailer for 10 cars. faced with the problem of the calculation of costs. included in the cost of insurance business liability. I spoke to several agents, but they ask me to provide data about the VIN of cars and driver's license. I can not provide this information, as it is just a business model. Please tell me the approximate cost of insurance business liability for $ 500 000. A one heavy truck, one driver, llc one owner. Transportation vehicles to 48 states.

I am an insurance agent. I have quoted and serviced many commercial trucking insurance policies over several years. I know that any vehicle registered to pull over 26000n lbs GVW hauling regulated freight is required to have a minimum of $750,000 liability. generally most shippers and brokers will not accept less than 1,000,000 limits of liability. In the car hauling business you will need higher cargo limits. not necessarily the liability, because liability is what is paid to other people. The damage to other people shouldn't be much different than any other truck on the road that gets into an accident. However, your cargo coverage will be higher due to the value of the cars you are hauling. (assuming you are hauling new cars) You should not have to provide the vin numbers on each vehicle you haul. normally on your bill of laden they will list the vehicles, And you should have an invoice with an idea to the value of your load. This will confirm you have sufficient limits on your cargo to protect the vehicles if they are damaged. If you need help give me a call. I deal with Missouri and Kansas policies at this time. But I would be more than happy to give you my inside opinion if you are outside that area as well. Have a great day!

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