Profile For DriveMoreMan

DriveMoreMan's Info

  • Location:
    Corpus Christi, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

  • Social Link:
    DriveMoreMan On The Web

  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 1 month ago

DriveMoreMan's Bio

I am a retired old school trucker turned Truck Driver Recruiter. I know the ins and outs of trucking as I have been all over the country, hauled it all, dealt with many companies ect. I know what companies pay the best and treat their drivers with the respect you deserve. I am an outside recruiter representing several companies. If you are tired of the chaos when it comes to selecting a carrier to work for, please call me, I will shoot straight with you and point you in the right direction to fulfill your career goals. It cost nothing to talk to me. If I get you hired on with one of the carriers that I represent, they pay me a fee. I'd be glad to talk to you and give you the best advice so you can make an informed decision when it comes to trucking.

Thank you and be safe out there.

Steve Kidd/361-251-0001

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Posted:  4 years ago

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I love my country, hell I love our planet period

Drivers, I don't know bout y'all but there's some things along our highways I don't wanna see. I'm talking bout all those jugs and bottles laying around with not lemonade in them if you know what I mean. Now I know, being a trucker myself, how a big empty jug can come in handy if ya get the urge to go in the middle of the night and it would be such a hassle to put your clothes on and scuttle in to the truck stop. Ok, I know. Most of us know. Please don't be a pig and throw it out along the highway. What the hell is wrong with you. Such a bio hazard for those who have to go out there and pick up trash. Just plain lazy. If you use a jug, put it in your bag and empty it into a toilet the next morning at the truck stop!!! Keep a gallon of bleach in your truck and put a splash of bleach in your jug to keep it sanitary. We gotta get this B S under control. It's like an old Gary Stewart song, Out of Hand.

Posted:  4 years, 1 month ago

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Leave your phone alone while driving

Drivers I've been all over the country and have seen more than I've wanted to see when it comes to accidents. So many trucks and cars just seemed to run off the road for no reason, but there is a reason. Most of those accidents were because the driver was distracted with their phone. It only takes a split second to end your life because of distracted driving. Leave your phone alone while driving, the text can wait till you are safely stopped at the rest area or otherwise. Stay safe out there, your family needs you!!!!!

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Taking a shower on the road

I keep reading about how truckers don't shower every it by choice/laziness/lack of hygiene or because rare are the truck stops with shower facilities??? This is a big issue for me. I shower every single morning to start my day, do my hair and simple quick make up, then I feel like a million bucks. It takes me 40 minutes or less to do all of it, being in the shower 5 to 10 minutes, depending if I'm shaving (I shave every other day). Only times I don't shower is because I'm very sick or occasionally spending a lazy day at home.

Personal hygiene is very important to me. I'm not feeling myself otherwise. Having access to a shower, even if for 10 minutes, is essential. I can dress and do my hair elsewhere to free up the shower for someone else.

Fuel at Pilot/Flying J if you can, eventually you'll achieve "shower power", be sure to obtain a rewards card for TA, Pilot, Ambest, and swipe it each time you fuel to accrue credits. You will receive points each time you fuel and get shower credits and also credits to buy food ect. Shower Power means unlimited shower credits with Pilot/Flying J. Good luck cutie......wink wink

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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10/03 1900 TA ONTARIO WEST

Enter at your own risk. This is the biggest Fuster Cluck I have EVER seen here. Trucks going in all directions. Complete log jam. I'm glad I parked here 2 hours ago. Not real happy to be here AT ALL!


Been there done that......crazy truck stop

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Rough first week solo!

I left with my first load out of Springfield headed to McDonough, GA last Saturday. Everything went great except for the fact that I had a really hard time finding a place to park at 4am. When I got to my 90, I had a moment of panic where I set up wrong to back into a parking spot to wait for a door, but thankfully another Prime driver got out and helped me. Once I calmed down, backing into the dock was easy. Left there, dropped my empty in Newnan and headed to Columbus for a day at home. While I was there...Monday...low hanging branches caught my CB antenna and broke it. Thus a message to dispatch and my first accident report. Deemed not preventable, I felt slightly better.

Finished my home time, picked my empty back up and headed toward my next load's 01. Since it was going to be another late night, I decided to give Walmart parking a try. Everything would have been fine had I just pulled in and parked. Instead, I decided that I needed to turn the truck around so that I would be parked facing the way I needed to pull out because it would surely be busier in the morning...right? In the process of doing that and trying not to hit any parked cars, I ran over a small tree in one of the medians with the trailer, scratching it up pretty good and rippling the bottom rail. The worst part is that I didn't feel it and didn't notice, so the next morning, Walmart management woke me up with the news saying they had me on video and there were witnesses. Two hours later, after tears and messages/phone calls to dispatch and safety, it was resolved and I was on my way again...this time back to Springfield to speak to people in person and terrified I was going to be fired.

Everyone was actually really nice about it, much to my relief. My next adventure was bob tailing all the way from Springfield to Aurora, IL to grab an empty and position myself for a decent load. Things were perfect until I stopped for fuel and had all kinds of issues with comdata. Finally got all that to work, fuel up, go to get in my truck...and I'm locked out. My cell phone was inside too. Long story short, the lady inside the Pilot wasn't too keen on being helpful, so I ended up waiting for another Prime driver to come along.

About an hour later, I got lucky and was able to use his QC to contact road assist. Got a locksmith to let me back in my truck and was back on the road. My current load brought me to Edwardsville, IL for a drop/hook at Hershey. Had a 13:30 appt and was early only to be told that Hershey isn't releasing that load until tomorrow morning at the earliest.... So now I sit. I've been here for five hours waiting for Prime to figure out what they want me to do. Last week my paycheck was negative and this week isn't looking much better now that I am stuck.

It's been a really rough rookie start, but I'm still having a good time, trying to laugh at my mishaps and trying not to let my errors get the best of me. On a good note, my backing skills are better than I thought. Had a tight wash out place where you have to pull around the side of the building and then back up into a space to line up with the bay. The guy said I did a great job for a rookie and talked some smack about some CRST drivers that he's had to back their trucks up for. LOL I hope as time goes on things will get a little easier.

You just hang in there. Before you know it you will become very comfortable with your skills and decisions. Always watch other truckers when you are sitting, to see how they do it. Before long, they will be watching you for guidance. : )

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Accident and 2 speeding on my mvr, anyone know who will hire me? any advice?


but have reviewed many horrible testimonies concerning this company. Getting cold feet


The first thing you need to do is quit reading Internet reviews of all Trucking Companies. If you listen to all of the negative crap written by people, most of whom are no longer in the business, you will not want to work for ANY OF THEM. It is your attitude and work ethic that will make you successful with just about any one of them.


Thank you for the advice

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Accident and 2 speeding on my mvr, anyone know who will hire me? any advice?

One ticket will expire in a few weeks, had a wreck received ticket for failure to yield row making left turn, who will hire me?

Thank you for all the replies, I am currently talking to Stevens Transport, sounding like they will hire me, but have reviewed many horrible testimonies concerning this company. Getting cold feet..........still researching options. Def not scared of hard work and long hours, but have a low tolerance for BS. Don't particularly like the low cpm they quoted me, and am leary of the hidden deductions ive heard about. Stepping cautiously now.

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Windshield mounted gps and cell phones

Heard a rumor that come october 26 it will be illegal to have windshield mounted gps and cell phones but I can't find anything about it anybody know any truth on this??

got a warning once for having gps mounted within the sweep area of the windshield wipers

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Accident and 2 speeding on my mvr, anyone know who will hire me? any advice?

One ticket will expire in a few weeks, had a wreck received ticket for failure to yield row making left turn, who will hire me?

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