San Antonio, TX
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Hello my name's Rob Garcia and I'm back on Trucking Truth because I'm sure I'd like to try this way of life. And having utilized this site ( I can't believe its been 8 yrs. and 8 mo. ago), I'm confident that Trucking Truth will be an integral part of my journey to becoming licensed. I'm 58 yrs. old and though I've acquired a great many skills and certifications during my career in the building and remodeling field. As well as being fortunate enough to have become a vested Journeyman Ironworker. I've always had this nostalgic idea that I'd like driving a big rig ever since I was a young boy. However eight plus years ago when I began preparing to explore the possibilities of that youthful dream. I was offered a lucrative position with a well established and stable company. I was of course utilizing the many decades of experience I've amassed in the construction field. However the company changed hands and I felt, with no regrets that it was time for me to move on. So once again I find myself with a fortunate opportunity to pursue one of my childhood dreams. And though we never know what life may have in store for us just around the corner. I have no doubt that with the combined knowledge, wisdom and experience that the members of Trucking Truth possess. My journey into this lifestyle can only be enriched by becoming a part of a resource like Trucking Truth.
Posted: 8 years ago
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Frustrations training with Prime on the road
Wow this site is incredible and all it claims to be, thank you Brett and everyone else whom participates here. Just want to thank Rainy and Old School, Trucker Mike...for your posts. They've been very informative and relieving to me as someone considering a career as a truck driver. I'm in San Antonio Texas and have heard good things about Prime from a neighbor whom drives a truck. I've been reading about them and several other companies on this site in order to make a more informed decision about which company to choose, as well as whether or not I will be a asset to the trade or not, thanks again.