Yeah they started that sleep apnea garbage with me, make sure you have your own doctor review the results that you can trust. The trucking company's doctor will say you need a machine when you don't. it is based on percentages from mild to severe. The trucking company said I needed a machine and my doctor said I didn't, I had to get a letter from my doctor telling them a didn't and to get recertified without one. The problem is a had a two year certificate but because of that study now I can only have a one year.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Sleep apnea question
Yeah they started that sleep apnea garbage with me, make sure you have your own doctor review the results that you can trust. The trucking company's doctor will say you need a machine when you don't. it is based on percentages from mild to severe. The trucking company said I needed a machine and my doctor said I didn't, I had to get a letter from my doctor telling them a didn't and to get recertified without one. The problem is a had a two year certificate but because of that study now I can only have a one year.