Stone Mountain, GA
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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So here's a little update for those who were wondering and if you guys know about this, let me know. I'm from GA and my aunt in Delaware has been wanting me to come stay up there for the longest. They have a tech school there that has the certificate program to get your CDL AND a Commercial Transportation Studies program and I can use my financial aid for this program an they help you get your CDL too! I'm so excited. Anyone here ever get a degree in that or use it to get their CDL?
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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I was talking with a recruiter from roadmasters about the charge and he said he'd see what he could do. Well he ran my background check and nothing was there! Great, right?!?!!!
Wow. It's a good thing you took our advice and did a thorough check of your background records. And make sure to thank the guy at Roadmaster for almost making a mess of things for you.
Trucking certainly isn't going anywhere so waiting until October might not be a bad idea at all. If will give you a lot of time to prepare. You'll get a chance to take our High Road Training Program, go through our Trucker's Career Guide, and get a little money behind you to pay for meals and minor expenses until the paychecks start coming in.
Getting your trucking career started is really challenging and stressful. The extra time may be a huge blessing. The better prepared you are the better your chances of success. If you feel like you've kind of exhausted your options right now and that charge is standing in the way, I think it's a fine idea to wait until October.
The only concern as far as waiting goes is that the slow season in trucking will begin in a couple of months and so will wintertime. It's nice getting your career underway in the spring or summer because you can learn the ropes and get better at handling that rig before the snow flies and the miles slow down a bit. But it isn't a make-or-break kind of decision. You can make it work out either way.
Yeah that's what my mom was worried about. I have no experience whatsoever driving in snow ha but I'm just gonna go back to school for a semester and see how things go.
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Okay so more news! The guy who ran the background check, I think he only ran it for this county or something. It wasn't thorough. We called a court clerk from the county it happened in and it's definitely still on my record. Good thing is it happened longer ago than I thought. I have tried almost all the companies on this site that offer free company CDL classes. I'm only 21, so Steven is out of the question. I haven't tried Werner though. If I had the money, I'd pay for school myself at A private truck driving school, but I'm barely getting by right now...which is another reason I'm really interested in a trucking career. Itd be plenty of $ for me because I'm young (21), I don't have kids, I live with my mom (and she already said I can keep living here and save money if I started truck driving), so no bills except for this stupid car note I'm stuck with! Yeah sorry to ramble on this but I bought a 98' Honda accord with 133 miles and in the long run, with interest, I'll be paying 10,000 for the car. Talk about a rip off! Car dealerships prey on young girls like me who don't know much about cars :/ okay sorry end rant. Back to trucking,...so yeah I think my best bet here is to wait until October. It'll have been 3 years since my misdemeanour and I'll start calling recruiters again then. What do y'all think?
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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It is 3. 3 for misdemeanors with This company. Ill try to reapply in October it'll be 3 years then
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Thanks a lot for all the replies!
Okay, first thing, swift was my first choice because my mom knew a guy who worked for them...but I'm only 21 and I think you have to be 23 for them.
I found out some great news after I posted this. Ive been trying lots of companies even though prime Didnt work out. I was talking with a recruiter from roadmasters about the charge and he said he'd see what he could do. Well he ran my background check and nothing was there! Great, right?!?!!! So maybe you're right, since I turned 21 it was expunged. I remember when it happened ppl told me it would go off record when I turned 21 but I didn't know how true that was.
Wish me luck with prime. Do y'all think they'd reconsider if I tell them it's not on record at all...even though I already admitted about it happening?
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Well let me start off my saying....I'm not a criminal!! :'(
All these different trucking companies are definitely treating me like one though...okay maybe that's a little exaggerated.
Basically, I was charged with "possession of alcohol while under age" when I was 19. Sad part is, I hadn't even had more than 2 beers yet. Anyway, I was honest when the cops started banging on the apartment door. I said yes I was drinking and these cops turned out to be not-so-nice. Now it's on my record and it's come back to haunt me!
Apparently any alcohol related offense disqualifies you from working with most of these trucking companies. I've tried just about all of the ones I'm really interested in. Talked to recruiters the whole 9 yards and I keep being told that this is a big deal.
I have NOTHING else negative on my record. No other charges and a perfect driving record. Does anyone know I anything that could help me out with this? I'm really interested in a trucking career. I can wait until my 22nd birthday and try again in October because they said after 3 years it's okay. I'm just ready to get my CDL NOW though :( any advice?! HELP!
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Alcohol related charges
Well money was the issue, not the time. I have plenty of time. Since money was the issue for a private school, I finally found a solution. I was interested in a longer program anyway because I have financial aid just sitting there. I get pell grant and it's more than enough to cover out of state tuition and other fees I will need in Deleware, so no problems here. I also had that alcohol related charge and it won't be 3 years old until October, so that's another reason why time isn't an issue. And maybe one day the degree will come to use. Who knows, I might want to manage a company or something. Thanks for the info.