I work for US Express. They have started a pilot program for the in cab camaras. They record both the traffic and driver. The way they work is that when a braking incident occurs, with a specific G-Force, they start recording. This means they arent recording
100% of the time. You can manually start recording if you see a potentially dangerous situation (ie:Dangerous Driver). After it finishes recording , its then sent to a 3rd party to review and then its determined if it needs to be sent to the Saftey Dept. It was stressed to us that at no time when the wheels aren't rolling the camara won't be recording or on.
I personally don't have a problem with the policy. I'm not perfect but operating my Pete safely for my family and yours is my top
priority/responsibility. So I don't feel I have a lot to worry about being filmed.
Posted: 8 years ago
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How do you feel about driver facing cameras?
I work for US Express. They have started a pilot program for the in cab camaras. They record both the traffic and driver. The way they work is that when a braking incident occurs, with a specific G-Force, they start recording. This means they arent recording 100% of the time. You can manually start recording if you see a potentially dangerous situation (ie:Dangerous Driver). After it finishes recording , its then sent to a 3rd party to review and then its determined if it needs to be sent to the Saftey Dept. It was stressed to us that at no time when the wheels aren't rolling the camara won't be recording or on. I personally don't have a problem with the policy. I'm not perfect but operating my Pete safely for my family and yours is my top priority/responsibility. So I don't feel I have a lot to worry about being filmed.