Southwestern , IN
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Pre-Trip Inspection - My Way! A must see!
Beautifully done Daniel! Thanks much for sharing with us! I was just referred here by Tractor Man. When I'm not so sleepy, I'll delve deeper!
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Holy Air Brakes - studying for the permit
I've been studying the High Road Practice Questions (so awesome) for a month. I have processed the general knowledge pretty well. I'm now in the re-studying phase because air brakes are burning my brain. Does anyone have any tips for remembering it all for the permit test? I'm trying to visualize everything, and remember the PSI's, the gauges, and the brake system parts. I've seen others on here say they're not mechanically-inclined, so how did you connect A to B while studying? How long did it take you to study before you felt comfortable enough to go for it?
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Hi Sue! Thank you for the thoughtful reply! I can understand wanting to just get started already (studying for the permit is a loooooong-enough process ;-) ), but I don't want to impose my womanly needs on a strange guy that I would be sharing a space with for up to a month. I'm sure there are tolerable and empathetic dudes out there, though, but being a little guarded about certain things makes the idea a bit uncomfy.
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Solo lady trucker here, willing to help.
3. Getting exercise seems like it might be difficult while doing this job. Are you ever able to just take a walk? Like if I was at a customer's location, is it ok to leave the truck to walk around while they are loading/unloading the truck?
Absolutely, just be careful of trucks in motion.
Hello Ahmalia! Thank you for your offering! I just started studying for the permit. I also have wondered about the opportunity to get exercise. Do you ever have time in your schedule to go to a gym? I have a membership at Planet Fitness, and they have many locations in many states, so would I have the time for a workout if the schedule allowed it?
4. How are the truck stop showers?
If you shower at the big truck stops, like the Flying J's, Pilot's, Love's, or TA, the showers are fine. You may come across one once in awhile that ain't all that great, I once was at a small mom and pop truck stop where the shower had a mold-covered curtain, and I was like no way and asked for my money back. But the major truck stops are nice enough. They supply towels, but I always used my own, just personal preference.
And as for your own towels and wash cloths - what do you do with them after you use them? Just hang them up in your cab to dry? I don't know that I would be comfortable using a truck stop's towels either.
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Hello! Wondering if anyone knows if there are female trainers at Roehl? I've read in other posts that female trainees had to wait weeks before a female trainers became available.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Hi all. I am seriously considering OTR driving. I have read many forums, but one thing I have not seen is: how is the interview process at a company if you choose their school? Is there a formal interview? How do I get started? I only want to attend a company-sponsored training school since I doubt I could afford private schooling. This way of life is drawing me in the more I am on this site.
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Holy Air Brakes - studying for the permit
Thanks for the referral Tractor Man! I just glanced at the first page as I'm too sleepy right now, but that's definitely bookmark-worthy.