Profile For Tropicalstorm

Tropicalstorm's Info

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  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 8 months ago

Tropicalstorm's Bio

One year down, many more to come.

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Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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These 5 Occupations Are More Likely To Marry Male Truckers

That explains it! The cashier at the truck stop was giving me the eye. LOL

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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No company will hire a R.S.O.

It's going to be really hard finding a company that will hire a Registered Sex Offender to drive for them. Not judging at all. Just stating the fact. Due to the nature of the business, insurance companies view it as a huge liability. Companies don't want to get caught up in anything that they might think could tarnish their image. Smaller companies might be your best bet.

Years ago, a guy I knew that was a RSO, had to comply with which ever state he was going into. As in check in every time he came through. It was more of hassle to him than it was worth. He also didn't get paid very well because his options were extremely limited and the employer took advantage of that fact. Best of luck on your search.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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I'm quitting trucking

With all of my inexperience of being a rookie driver. The one thing I learned pretty quickly is that attitude is everything in this business. We all have our days when everything goes as planned and others where nothing goes your way. You take the good with the bad and smile as you do so. People work with you so much more knowing that you're not going to complain or cause a stink about things. It makes my life a lot less stressful and helps me to get good loads to compensate for the not so good ones.

There's not another profession quite like being a professional driver. It's a totally different ballgame. It's unlike anything else I've ever known. With that being said, it surely is not for everyone. But you have to have the right mindset to begin with. Being able to keep a clear mind and not letting things bug me also helps me to be more focused while rolling down the road. I came into this hoping for the best, but expecting that it could get worse before it gets better. Fortunately, things have been great for my first year. Not perfect by a long shot. But my family is eating well and the bills are getting paid.

As we all know, there are huge egos everywhere in trucking. That could be one of the worst things in my opinion. But respect and humility has served me well. Anything beyond that, I'm not your guy. You won't get a rise out of me. Not at all worth it. I'm a 6'3" 250 pound rugby player that can hold his own. But no thanks.

So for those looking to get into driving or new to it, due diligence is the key. Thoroughly do your research and see if the pros outweigh the cons for you before you take the next step. Prepare yourself mentally for what you are about to embark upon. It will help you emensely in the start to your career.

Thanks for letting me put in my two cents. Be safe out there.

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