Pace, FL
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Hello everyone! First off, want to say I love this website, helped me pass my CDL exam (General Knowledge, Air Brakes and Combination Vehicles) for my permit. Out of all the websites I go to, to read about trucking the people here seem the nicest, anyways today was our first full day in the truck, started off driving on a back road learning to double clutch, hardest part for me was finding the gears and getting the gear in the slot in a timely manner. Then we went to the range and did straight line backing, pretty easy, but after that we had to alley dock, I'll say I got it in there about 1 out of every 10 times I tried and even then it wasn't straight. I think my main problem is when I back it up and get the trailer in front of the cone, I turn hard right to make the trailer angle straight, but now my tractor is practically at a 90 degree angle and I don't know how to straighten it out without pulling out too far or not being side ways in the hole, any advice would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Alley Dock Maneuver
Thanks guys for the tips, the 10 feet rule really helped and knowing your driving the trailer not the tractor really helped too. I always tell my self 10 feet 10 feet when I'm backing, I can get it in the hole about 3 out of 4 tries now. We did off set and that's a lot easier then the alley dock, still got to work on my parallel. Got three school days to get this all down before my test, still working on my PTI and trying to get better at driving, still miss a gear every now and then, and having problems staying off the white line on the right, and occasionally when I stop I stall the truck by taking my foot of the clutch too fast, even worse when you're on an incline and you have to hold the break to keep it from rolling back and easing your foot off the clutch, god I hope I get his all before the test lol. Anyways thanks again guys, if you have anymore tips on anything I would appreciate it. Happy Memorial Day!