Profile For B. David W.

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Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Denied by Henderson and Prime

No worries guy, your comments are just solidifying things I've read other places. I've got no problem elaborating since it's something I have to say anyway;

My felony charge doesn't do anything but add fuel to the fire that my character clearly can't speak for itself--Felony Possession of a Stolen Veh, stems from a misunderstanding with my boss who didn't realize I was doing my independent marketing work. I had keys and work materials, but, that's for the court to determine. My misdemeanor charges are in connection, Trespassing and Petty Larceny.

Not good, I know...

The career change into trucking wasn't just a whim though, my dad and uncles have all been OTR at some point and reassured me that this would be a good fit for me--personally. I do thank you guys and this forum/site for all the information...

Back to the drawing board, eh?

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Denied by Henderson and Prime

There's a bit of urgency to the situation, so, I'm not trying to rush through things but if something goes awry in court it'd look better on me if have some proof that I haven't just been sitting on my ass doing nothing-- idle hands isn't something I'm used to.

I've heard about the wait time for convicts but I'm being upfront with wherever I apply, bringing in my background report to places I can walk in and such...

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Denied by Henderson and Prime

Hey guys, quick introduction:

I'm 23, recently unemployed due to legal matters and not liking the retail positions I've had in the last 5 years. I've decided on a career change while my legal troubles calm; I have 2 misdemeanors on record with a pending felony that's expected to be dismissed around April.. I've worked with a Traveling Veterinary company out of Lexington SC, GA, NC and have always enjoyed the travel time so I got my CDL Permit.

My problem now is that I've been denied by both Henderson and Prime's trucking schools and am having to fall back into finding a local school, Sage or XtraMile. I'm invited to an orientation this Thursday but have been told; of course they can't guarantee employment upon completion.

I'm close to pulling my hair out because when it rains, it pours... I'm running out of things to pawn for my car payment :(

Do you guys have any advice for those looking to break-in to the industry with a criminal background, are there any companies willing to take the risk on someone young, hopeful, with prior work history?

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