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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Yes, Virginia does require you to successfully complete a parallel parking maneuver.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Sorry to hear you left Schneider, thought I might run into if you were at Carlisle. I park my rig there on weekends/hometime. Schneider is huge into safety so if hours were a factor I am sure they could have out you somewhere. I work International Paper dedicated they are always looking for people and hours are pretty good. Schneider
I have an open invitation to go back to Carlisle and I'm not saying it's over. I can tell you that I would do some more research before I move forward.
From what I was told I was one of the lucky ones who fell in through the cracks.
Like I said, the professionalism after I told them Schneider wasn't for me and I talked to them with everything that I was dealing with. They were completely understanding and handled that better than most everyone I have ever worked for. That right there almost made me change my mind. However, I had to go with my gut at the moment.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Well, I have to say that this is a real head scratcher?
From all my research Schneider seems to be one of the best companies to drive for and their orientation gets exceptionally high reviews.
I'm not sure what you're looking for in a company, but if a top company like Schneider rubs you the wrong way, I'm not sure there is company you'll be happy with.
I do wish you luck.
As I stated earlier, I will start orientation with Schneider on the 29th. I'll try and keep everyone up-to-date on my progress.
What works for me, may not work for you; vice versa.
When there are discrepancies in the first few days, it just worries me about what else may be in store for me later on. I have since talked to those involved and they understand where I am coming from and have apologized about everything.
Like I said, I have nothing but good things to say about Schneider other than my recruiter
I should have ran the other way when I asked for information in a hard copy pertaining to the job and my recruiter refused to do so.
I'm not on here to tarnish the Schneider image, I'm just relaying some of the information.
I would gladly go into more detail through a pm.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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I was told by my recruiter that I would be starting between 2 -3 am. After talking to the manager, he said that the latest I would be starting is around 8pm-9pm. He did apologize, because normally he would call me before I left to talk to me and give me the information about the job.
My fault was thinking that the recruiter over the phone would know what the job entailed. I thought that it would be streamlined. It's okay though, I truly don't hold any grudges.
I truly respect the professionalism that was given to me after I decided that Schneider wasn't for me.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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I can definitely see what you both have to say. I appreciate what you both have to say. Believe me, I will definitely go with my gut instinct from here on out. I was naive to think that the recruiter over the phone was correct.
Errol, I completely agree with what you have to say. I'm not proud of the whole situation. I will accept the consequences of my action.
I could have easily just have ignored this thread after I made it, however I felt I owed it to everyone here to update it.
We all have different needs and wants, we are all different. It's what makes this world a beautiful place.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Thank you everyone for the replies, today I made the decision that I was no longer going to pursue employment through Schneider, at least at this moment.
You can't leave it at that! What's going on? Why are you dropping Schneider after the first day?
Well, today I found out that what my recruiter told me about the account that I applied for was incorrect. One example was that it was strictly over night. I was told that I would be starting at between 2 or 3. I know that it might not seem like a big difference but for a local account, I was surely not looking to go all nights. I only found this out because my trainer said that I was supposed to talk to the manager of the location. I called and talked to him and found this out. He seemed like a really great guy and the lead instructor was a really great guy and completely understanding.
They offered me other positions, however it all really rubbed me the wrong way. I thanked him, but respectfully declined. They said that I have an open invitation to come back.
There were a few other little small things that rubbed me the wrong way, but I must say that I grew a lot of respect for the Lead Instructor. I was a manager in a previous life and he was as professional as I have ever dealt with.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Thank you everyone for the replies, today I made the decision that I was no longer going to pursue employment through Schneider, at least at this moment.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Well, as I posted recently I graduated with my CDL and decided to go work with Schneider. So, I know that there are a few posts detailing training but they are a few years old. I figured that I would write about my experience here so far.
Day 1
6:30 am the bus arrives to take all of the students from the hotel to the training facility. When they arrive they call out your name to ensure that you are on the bus. The bus then drives to the facility. You arrive and they tell you to wait in the cafeteria. Within a few minutes an instructor says to follow him and you walk back to the classroom. The first thing you do go to computers to fill out your medical history unless you already have done that. Once everyone has done that they ask everyone to sit in their assigned seats that they have marked with your name. Now is when they introduce everyone to themselves and the rules. One big rule is no cell phones, we are only allowed to have them on for lunch.
Now is when we start filling out all of the paperwork, I won't go into detail it's the standard stuff. As you are filling that out you have instructors come back to take 4 people at a time to have their physicals and pre work screen done. This is all of your basic physical and pre work screens, they actually have videos on youtube showcasing what you have to do. They also get 4 people at a time to get your safety vest and boots if you do not have any boots that have leather uppers and are oil and slip resistant, inwhich they have to say it on your soles. They are only 35 bucks to be deducted off your first check.
Once this is complete you start on your DOT test, no big deal. Lunch is what follows that. At this point is when you have instructors come to "claim" you, you usually have 2 or 3 students per instructor(so amazing compared to school). Every instructor has been pretty awesome, great attitudes, great sense of humors, they have the understanding that you need to have your students calm. After this they took us down to the yard and showed us how to 45 degree alley dock back, then coupling and uncoupling. They are very stressing about making sure that you are safe(nothing wrong with that).
After that you go to the simulators, we are shown how they want us to shift. It's pretty cool, I must say.
The day is ended with watching videos for defensive driving and coupling and uncoupling.
So far, I'm impressed, it was a long 12 hour day, but I feel that they want us to succeed.
Posted: 9 years ago
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So, I passed my Class A CDL test with the state and accepted a local job with Schneider. It's a dedicated Ford route. I am heading to Carlisle to start on 3/15/16. I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm just all over. lol
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Medical card
Hello all,
I recently broke my wrist on the job after having the strap break on the door. Well, the issue I have is, my medical card expires 6/15/16. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea on 3/15/16 so, I only got a 3 month card. I had to wait to make some money before I could buy a cpap machine because of no insurance. So, I finally got my compliance report where I need it and now I wouldn't be able to pass a dot physical with my broken wrist. My work said that I have 6 months to obtain a new medical card without losing my cdl.
I'm just wondering if this is true or not.