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Posted: 9 years ago
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I'm also just getting started. I've been looking at study books on Amazon, does anyone have any recommendations for a good study book? There are a lot of choices!
Posted: 9 years ago
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Swift or cr england for training
I have also just been accepted to Swift and CR England. I think I'm going to go with CR England for one reason....The rep I've been speaking to claims that after phases 1 and 2 (first 6 months) drivers are able to get a dedicated route close to home (if they choose). Its not guaranteed of course, but he claims that I would have choices. Swift basically has you on the road for 13 months with little time off, and no choice in where you go, if I understand it correctly. I know any program is going to have you on the road a lot, especially in the beginning, but I also have a wife and little ones at home, and want to be able to spend as little time away from them as possible. And....with CR England, you are off the hook in 9 months, vs 13 months with Swift. These might not be facts, but its what I've gathered from talking to the reps. Bottom line, it looks like going with CR England is going to give me more time with my kids.