Germantown, TN
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Hello, My name Is Kenneth, born in Memphis,Tennessee, raised in Southaven, Mississippi. I am 23 years old and I've spent the last few years busting my ass in restaurants making many different assortments of food, to work in warehouses for temp agencies for very little pay. I recently left my job because I'm ready to do something new and different and bring a successful change to my life. I've spent about the last 2 weeks of my life researching trucking , from articles on this forum to videos on Youtube, to every trucking company and school. I am really scared to do this and take this big step in life, but I'm also very excited and ready to face the challenges ahead and conquer. I know we have to fall to rise, and I'm ready to rise. I'm gonna be going to a trucking school very soon, in Tupelo, Ms. I hope everyone here can welcome me with open arms and give me advice I'm ready to join this world and finally have a job that will take care of me and my family, Thanks everyone who took the time to read this.
- Kenneth.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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I was just wondering if anyone had any info with Prime's training for the permit, do they make you take it as soon as you get there? My recruiter told me to study for it ahead of time before I arrive which i've been doing but that's really all he told me, it got me wondering that they make you take it on your first day, he even told me a lot of guys fail because they'll come in and study when they get there and that it's best to study all you can before getting there, so I'm really trying to study as much as I can on it and get it all locked in my head, just curious on when they make you take the test and if you get any additional studying from the actual School?
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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I have a question! Does the school provide the students a road atlas or should I go ahead and buy myself one on Amazon?
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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DOT Physical, Eye Vision Exam. HELP.
Okay guys thank you! I do wear glasses! and yes I need them when i drive for sure! good to know that this isn't an issue.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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DOT Physical, Eye Vision Exam. HELP.
Guys I'm worried I won't pass my physical apparently both eyes need to be 20/40 WITHOUT glasses or contacts and one eye is 20/30 and one is 20/40. I am really stressing out. Am I totally screwed?
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Hey Guys I have finally decided to go with Prime as my first trucking company, I will be going through their Training program on Februrary 14th (yes Valentines Day laugh it up!) But I'm very excited, I talked to Daniel B the other night for about 2 hours straight as everyone knows he is the Prime Guy here, He really gave me some great advice and if anyone else is considering Prime I would say talk to him for sure. I was originally intending on going to a private trucking school but after some thorough research and really looking into it I felt like Prime would be the perfect fit and great first company, I looked at what mattered most to me, Hometime vs Great Pay and Benefits. That being said I narrowed it down to 2 great companies, Roehl for their Hometime options or Prime with great pay and benefits with less hometime. So I went with Prime, I'm 23 years old and still at home with family, not too concerned on being home that much, in fact I'm cool with just living in my truck during my 4 day hometime periods. I wanna say thanks to everyone here and all the information on these forums, they really helped me and gave me a clear Idea on what to look for and who to pick! I've got a little over a week to study my ass off for the permit (Just to be ahead of the game). If anyone else will be there on the 14th as well let me know!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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DOT physical Question.........
If they didn't look at your body some where I guess they could just do an interview over the phone. It's a physical. Physical look and touch is the exam. They are not a portable CAY scanner. Have fun. Drop um ;-)
lmao. Yeah well when it comes down to it I certainly will be "droppin em" if it's what I gotta do to get my license so be it!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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DOT physical Question.........
Will you fail if you don't do it?
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Worked for Roehl, questions concerning their contract (75k+ miles)
I signed up at a local CDL school today... start tomorrow. I was set up to start at Roehl's CDL school on Feb 8th, but something just didnt feel right about it, so I went local.
When I was going over the paperwork today, I noticed the CLD school had info on 30 companies, but not for Roehl. When I asked them why, they said they no longer let Roehl recruiters come in due to the fact that they require new hires to sign a contract. I found that interesting.
I know the feeling, I agree with going to a local private school as well I just like it better and feel more comfortable with it. It's crazy to hear this because Roehl was my first choice of school at first.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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DOT physical Question.........
Do you have something your ashamed of🤔 I think most make you pull down enough in order to do a hernia check. Still perplexed though
Lol, not ashamed but I'm not comfortable with that and I hope they don't force me to do it.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Prime Permit Test.
Errol, I'm not gonna study it at last minute, I've been studying for a week so far, and still am continuing to study I am just worried I will not pass since it's over 100 questions but I'm doing my best . and guys that work for PRIME what is all on the permit test? I was told I will need to take a Tanker's endorsement which i've studied for, that aside, the only thing on the test should be , General Knowledge, Air Brakes, and combination, right? if that's all I need then I should be good, been studying hours on end every day.