Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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ChickieMonster On The Web
After working for 7 years in the restaurant industry, and 4 in the automotive/factory world and finding myself laid off 3 weeks before Christmas, I decided it was time for a change in my life. After seeing an ad in the local paper for a CDL course, I decided to take a chance on becoming a truck driver. My first two weeks I was constantly telling my hubby that there was no way I could do this, but after the 3rd week I am SOOO glad I didn't quit!
Posted: 7 years ago
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I’m looking at the same light as we speak. I also get a warn engine light occasionally to go along with it. They always go out eventually.
I’ve put it in the shop twice now for it and the conclusion we keep coming to is it’s a computer glitch. I’ve also never been asked to do a manual regen.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Who's Making it Home for Thanksgiving?
We got home Monday afternoon and will be home until next Wednesday. I took my paid vacation time so we good enjoy some serious time off. We have friends here and I’m getting ready to get up and start cooking, or at least get eggs boiling while the parade is on!
We’ve got plans to do all kinds of stuff while we’re home, like go to some places we’ve always to but never had the time.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Swifties: If you get a TEXT about trainee back pay from Swift
I’ll go make the popcorn. Who wants some?
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Done! The big man himself looking all sexy and shiny in the sun!
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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You wouldn’t happen to be in Stafford MO? I pulled up the WiFi list on my laptop and low and behold “Errol iPhone” popped up!
Just wondering, you’re the only Errol I’ve ever known.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Seeking seasoned driver advice
I have a good friend who just made the switch from TMC to Keim and seems extremely happy with them.
Check out his YouTube channel and get his opinions on Keim and making the switch: White Lightning Trucker
Although based on what he’s saying on Facebook and such, he’s doing much better financially at Keim. He switched with 9 months experience at TMC.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Bwahahahaha! I’ve seen this all over Twitter and FB and I have to say, I love it! Totally creative and I can just imagine the looks you’d get going down the road.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Free kindle ebooks & audiobooks
I saw your tweet this morning and downloaded “Goin’ Postal”. I can’t wait to read it!
You rock, girlfriend.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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We Want Videos For Our YouTube Channel!
I forgot to answer this question.
I only follow a few YouTube folks on a regular basis:
Palerider TV (a fellow CalArk/Central driver)
White Lightin Trucker
Ellie O'Daire
I really try to stay out of the drama and politics that surround a lot of the channels. I'm there to share the adventure and do a little teaching along the way.
Posted: 7 years ago
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What a day. #TruckThat
I hit that mess on I-20 yesterday. Luckily we rolled through in the morning before it got really bad. But I averaged about 50 mph from the Alabama line to Birmingham. The roads were still clear but it was snowing like crazy. DEFINITELY not where I expected to encounter my first snow of the season.
And Brett, TruckThat is actually a group of people on Twitter and truckthat.com giving Truckers a place to vent. It’s a cool group of people and I actually have one of their magnets in my drivers door!