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Posted: 11 years, 7 months ago
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Would you get back into trucking if a parent was sick and in and out of the hospital ?
I've been out of trucking since mid April. I was driving locally around Northeast Ohio, Western PA and Western NY and home nightly. I got burnt out and decided to hang it up. Since then I've been landscaping and am underpaid and barely covering all of my bills. I'm 24 with no wife or kids. I'm starting to get the itch to go out again. This time I want to run regionally. I've been looking into the Midwest regional with Roehl and a few other companies. By the way, do you recommend any other companies that offer a good Midwest regional route ? Anyways, back to my problem. My mother has been sick for nearly a year now. She has non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and is very week and ill now and in desperate need of a liver transplant. She was called and scheduled for one this past week and 3 came available but later to find out that the donor livers were bad. This is a little dilemma for me. I really want to get back out on the road and make some money but on the other hand I don't want to leave my mothers side. I know she needs me but I need to make a living right now. What would you do in a situation like this ? Have you ever experienced something similar to this ? I just need a little advice on what some of you truck drivers would do ? Thanks.
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Can you shed some light on mountain driving in slippery conditions?
Just wanted some valuable advice from experienced truckers on some procedures for keeping the tractor trailer under control in bad conditions going down hills and grades. Rain, ice, sleet, snow etc. I know you can't use the jake brake but it's tempting at times when you start going faster than you're comfortable with. If so, can you provide and example or two just so I can get an idea of what to do and what not to do in downhill situations where the weather is unfavorable. Thanks.
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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What are the best companies that offer Midwest Regional driving jobs ?
What are the best companies that offer Midwest Regional driving jobs ?
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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What are a few good companies for Midwest Regional or dedicated opportunities ?
I want to drive in the Midwest but need some help/advice on choosing a reputable company that sticks to the Midwest region or possibly a company that offers dedicated routes out of Northeast, Ohio. I've been driving on and off for the past year and a half. I've had a difficult time in sticking with a job or company that I like and suits my needs and lifestyle. I always seem to get burned out after 2-3 months and get tired of the road and return home. I want something I can make decent money at and get more home time. I tried over the road and it wasn't for me. I've tried local driving but that's not for me either. So the only thing left for me I guess would be a regional or dedicated driving job. Any advice will be helpful. Please no negative comments. Thanks.
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Move out of state and transfer CDL then original state suspends license for insurance lapse but current state still valid. Can I drive ?
I'm from Ohio. Moved to Florida for 1 year. Moved back home to Ohio in August 2014. Worked for Hogan on a dedicated account in Ohio and Florida. Transferred CDL back to Ohio upon moving back. Florida suspends my licence there in October 2014 caused by personal vehicle insurance lapse. Still working in Ohio with valid Ohio license. Quit company and now getting job back with Hogan. But corporate says I cant drive until i clear suspension in Florida. But my license is valid in Ohio ? The state bmv site says its still valid. I mean I forfeited my Florida license before they suspended it. Why and how can it be suspended in Ohio in the eyes of corporate transportation personnel ? Funny thing is I had jobs with bigger outfits after the suspension. With UPS and the United States Postal Service who do thorough background searches and motor vehicle records. It has to be valid enough for me to continue driving truck in Ohio right ?