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Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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The High Road CDL Program Study Course

Well, I studied for about two weeks primarily with I made it through the entire High Road course (up to the log book section) in a week and averaged a score of 94%.

This program utilizes a very effective memorization technique known as stacking. You memorize the general knowledge section and then go on to the next section. While memorizing the second section you're taking quizzes on the previous section along with quizzes on the new section, thus stacking new information you're memorizing onto information you've already memorized. Before you know it, you come to the end of the course and have memorized all the information for general knowledge and all endorsements.

I passed general knowledge and hazmat, combination, doubles and triples, and tanker endorsements on my first take of these tests, with a screaming toddler in the room (I already have air brake, passenger, and school bus).

The one DMV employee said to me, "You've been studying, haven't you?" I said yes. He said, "Yes, I can tell."

I say all this to make a point. TruckingTruth has comment after comment listed on this site from people who have used the High Road CDL program proclaiming how effective the course is and that they, too, got high test scores and have heard comments just like I heard at the DMV that day. The High Road is very effective, and it's absolutely true as listed about this program. I highly recommend it.

Posted:  9 years ago

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Maverick Transportation

Hey Tyler Durden, how's it going with Maverick Glass Division? Thanks.

Posted:  9 years ago

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Which School Do I Go To? Harrisburg Area Community College or Sage?? Cost to Pay for School is No Problem.

Hi 6 string rhythm. Thanks for your reply. I read your threads. Great info! I am in PA as well. I look forward to hearing more from you about my "dilemma." Thanks again!

Posted:  9 years ago

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Which School Do I Go To? Harrisburg Area Community College or Sage?? Cost to Pay for School is No Problem.

Is there a list available indicating what approved schools are for what companies? For example, Crete and Shaffer approve Harrisburg Area Community College ("HACC") and not Sage. Quality Carriers approves Sage and not HACC. I would like to know whom Old Dominion approves, and whom New Penn approves, etc. I've been researching online for weeks in forums, job fairs, truckers; however, the websites don't list this info.

I was awarded a $1000 scholarship yesterday that typically isn't awarded until June; I applied within this past week and told them my story and how income from trucking will improve my family's and my quality of life. I qualify for a free food bank now (single mom with 3 kids of age I can go OTR), just to give you an idea of my current income level. At present I have a Class B CDL and have been transporting people for two years as a chauffeur/school bus driver. So with my dad's DD214 and the scholarship Sage is totally paid for. Also, I've obtained funding for HACC so HACC is totally paid for. This is a $5500 value for both schools! Thankfully I don't have to worry about how I'll pay for school!

Scenario 1 – Sage School, 150 hours, one type of equipment for training, 1:1 in truck, 2:1 on range, 44 hours behind the wheel. Scenario 2 – HACC, 240 hours, equipment like sleepers, day cabs, 6-speed, 10-speed, tanker, doubles, skid pad, hazardous driving practice, night driving practice, 200 hours hands on for preinspection, behind the wheel, after I get my license I can go back for finishing school if I choose, 2-4 students in truck with rotation driving for approximately 50 hours per student behind the wheel.

I interviewed with a tanker carrier and can get a tanker job if I go to Sage, because they hire only from Sage or McCann.

HACC places students into Old Dominion, Pitt Ohio, New Penn, Crete, etc., which are all FANTASTIC carriers! These carriers knock on the doors of HACC to hire their students!

Herein lies my dilemma: 1. I can go into a tanker job right out of Sage school (this particular company is approved to hire from Sage or McCann only; cannot hire from HACC. The money is OK, the scheduling is flexible, the job is easy money according to what experienced truckers have told me; however, the lime can burn skin if not careful (dry bulk from quarries), and I don't mind the physical work associated with a tanker.

HACC opens doors right out of school to carriers such as Old Dominion, New Penn, Pitt Ohio, Crete, Shaffer, etc., which are all excellent carriers. The money is better. Line haul is preferable with these carriers. To be able to walk into carriers such as these right out of school is unheard of, basically, but with HACC it's happening. These carriers require six months, a year, two years of experience before they'll look at you.

(However, with the tanker job, if you don't come from Sage/McCann then you need 6 months experience to hire on there.)

I'm learning that it depends on the US DOT number with regard to what schools can be approved schools for hiring students right out of school. Is this correct?

Also, I'm starting to get the picture. It seems like there is the Sage-type camp of schools and carriers and editors choice awards, and then there is the HACC-type camp of schools and carriers and editors choice awards. I'd go so far as to say that the carriers own the "approved" schools on their lists such as Sage/McCann etc., which is why HACC wouldn't be on their lists because obviously they don't own a community college. When I asked the recruiter and the VP of the carrier why not HACC as an approved school from which to hire, because, in my opinion, HACC has a superlative program, the answer I was told in two separate meetings with each individual was, "Idk, it's a corporate thing." Speculation on my part, but reason I'm saying this is because during my interview with the tanker carrier, he mentioned that at one time corporate owned Sage, and thus has to hire from Sage. Therefore, IF they no longer own them, there could still remain noncompete agreements in force, thereby prohibiting the company to hire from anyone except Sage for who knows how long.

So I'll have to do some MORE research today and check what approved schools are with what carriers. I've been advised by experienced truckers to go with carriers like Old Dominion, New Penn, Pitt Ohio, Crete, so logically that would be HACC.

I want this as my career, my retirement. I can make a good income very quickly in this industry without: 1. Years of building up a book of clients in life insurance sales (I'm a licensed agent); 2. Having to beg for "the close" to get the sale; 3. Endless phone calls and endless nagging people; 4. Worry about will I be able to pay my bills this month because of a 100% commission job; 5. People always changing their mind and backing out of the deal; 6. Having to work one or two hourly jobs so I can have the PRIVILEGE of working a commission job (thus always working 2 and 3 jobs because I'm single and don't have a partner to contribute money to the household from THEIR hourly job).

The school you go to is an important decision, because it lays the foundation for your trucking career and will decide the "pool of" carriers from which you can choose to start your career right out of school. If I can go immediately into Old Dominion or New Penn or Pitt Ohio or Crete, etc., then that's the school for me.

What do you think?

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Trucking School in Central PA

I'm a single mom without a lot of money. I cannot get a loan. The cost of a CDL course at a community college is $5100, for which I cannot get any funding or loan. Sage School has a veteran grant I can use which will pay 80%. Is anyone familiar with Sage School? Thanks for your input!

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