Portland, OR
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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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You might see if a warehouse will take you. If I remember correctly, so long as they don't leave the property, yard jockeys do not need a CDL. If you can get a job like that you will at least get the backing aspect of trucking down pretty well. Make sure they know why you want the job. Also, if they have their own fleet you could use it as a stepping stone into get into their fleet.
Hello~ I am considering going to school for my CDL A. I am at a job now that I must stay at for 2 more years. Are there part time options out there for me to get my feet wet driving during the next two years?
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I'm planning heading back OTR (Western 11) right after Thanksgiving and interstate is my chosen company. Thus I will tell you the only two things I know that caused me to choose them over Gordon and Schneider.
First, They have a pet policy that requires a $700 deposit and a rule that cats must have their front paws declawed. Ive already started calling local shelters to see if they have any declawed cats.
Second, they seem willing to bend the rules on experience. According to the recruiter I will be given .39cpm even though my OTR experience is 1.5 months short of the minimum.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Simply a good load is one you deliver on time and ern money from.
Beyond that its just personal preference. I like light loads because its easier to manage my time.
However, I've only worked as a company driver. If your an o/o you will want to consider both ease of travel and what you'll be getting paid. A flat bed glass load may seem nerve racking, but the price could be just right.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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I rarely went without service when I had Verizon. My instructor has T-Mobile and was happy.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Did you like it? Do you prefer it?
My new job has me has me hauling mail on a 90mi rout with one drop. The rig they've given me is a 2004 international (still prefer freight liner) fitted with a super 10. After a week of use I really couldn't care less if I had the super or reg 10.
If you never heard of a super 10 it is basically a transmission that forces you to float shift most of the time. The flipper is set to the side, for thumb use rather than finger use, and you must only rev the engine to shift between gears 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, 9&10. Each gear pair reside in the same slot.
The stick never moves between those gears. You Just flip the thumb switch and the rig finds the next gear. Almost like having an automatic in a way.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Can the 14 hours be split up. Like 3 here 4 there etc. Or is it clock in or PTI a truck starts your 14 hour?
Only the 8hr sleeper can pause it. 10hr+ resets it. Anything else has no effect on it. 2hr portion of split sleeper can add time to the 14hr clock but it will keep ticking away.
The 14hr clock is the bane of my cdl. Who ever came up with it needs a boot up their back side.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Can you take a 2 and then an 8 in the split sleeper berth? Or do you have to take the 8 first?
Order does not matter. I prefer 8 first just because it essentially pauses the 14hr clock. 2 will just add time, but the 14hr clock keeps ticking. Thus at 2hr+1min be ready to roll.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Huh...I figured the thread was about either hitting deer with the rig or seeing a nice large critter and wishing you had a gun. I've dealt with the latter with regards to elk. 8 months of eating canned chicken and even my lazy butt is willing to go out and get some wild game.
Anyhow, I advise getting a local job ASAP. May be able to get weekends off or have a easier time getting specific week days off. For example I just got passed over for a local ltl job that would have had me working 4/10s (customer ended up canceling contract.).
Posted: 10 years ago
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Any advice on loading trailers?
Mason, I've got just the thing for ya. I built a Weight & Balance section into the High Road Training Program. It teaches all about weight distrubution, loading cargo properly, sliding axles to adjust axle weights, calculating fuel burnoff, and more. Check that out.
Thanks, forgot about that.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Returning to OTR after 2 years local, anything I need to know?
Some where on here is my lengthy report on Prime's Trucking School. Come December 5th I may be starting another report, this time on Interstate Distributing based out of Tacoma Washington. Before I head out there though, I want to know if anything has changed sense the summer of 2014? Is the 8/2 split sleep birth still ok? Is the 14 clock still likely to bite me in the butt? Sense I've been local these past two years, I haven't had to consider things like the 34 hour reset.