Profile For dirtsurfer

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    poughkeepsie, NY

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Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Qualcomm vs garmin gps

I have the Tom Tom as well as the NaviGo on Qualcomm. Our company supplied NaviGo version is simply awful. If not set before hand when stopped, it's virtually inaccessible, requires you to tell it to/press reroute, gets lost often/loses signal/malfunctions, and not very good at searching for truck stops either. It always chooses the shortest route which can sometimes be a bad thing in say PA, VA, WVA etc.

I agree with this 100%. Just this morning the qc wanted to send me to an address that was one block away from the actual address in boston. Luckily I knew from the last time it was wrong. It sometimes does this, and/or tells me it's on the opposite side of the road. There are several interstate splits or on/off ramps here in the northeast where construction has been done and the maps haven't been updated in several years. I know no gps is completely accurate, but it's got to be an improvement over this p.o.s.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Qualcomm vs garmin gps

I am considering the garmin dezl lmthd, which has a lot of features including a built in dash cam, programmable settings for truck size and weight, hazmat yes or no, real time traffic, and warnings for upcoming curves, low bridges or obstacles, etc etc. I would run the qc nav and garmin simultaneously, with the preference to the garmin directions if they prove worthy. With a significant amount of rewards points saved up at pilot I will safe a ton over the msrp, I just wanna make sure it's a worthy purchase before dropping the $$$.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Qualcomm vs garmin gps

I'm not sure what you mean with "I've found that in inner cities the qualcomm easily gets lost". I use a Tom Tom GPS, but I switch to the QC to get into the destination. I often check Google Satellite for, yeah, the big picture. I feel the Qualcomm's destination data, like finding the correct gate to turn into, is the best.

I do understand the "get lost" feeling because some the unfamiliar streets can be confusing. At night that's almost guaranteed.

For the OTR part, though, QC seems to favor shorter miles over faster route. I've seen the Qualcomm take a "surface road" cut-off instead of taking the interstate next to it simply because it's 11 miles shorter.

By getting lost I mean I checked maps first and picked a better street than the qc wanted me to go, or I miss a turn. It's typical response is " turn around and go back...". After hitting the reroute button several times with no results, it just freezes up and I have to put my flashers on and look up maps. My garmin in my personal car only takes a few seconds to reroute and rarely skips a beat. It seems to me the qc navigation completely fails when I need it most.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Qualcomm vs garmin gps

For those of you that have a qualcomm and commercial truck gps, which do you prefer for navigation? I always check google maps and the atlas before going to a new receiver, but I've found that in inner cities the qualcomm easily gets lost and I am left to fend for myself, and at times it takes me down very questionable routes. Would a top of the line garmin be an improvement?

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Parking in Poughkeepsie NY

Does anyone know of a legal and safe place to park my truck in Poughkeepsie NY when I go home? Several phone calls have netted 0 positive results.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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3 Strikes, I Guess I'm Out

It's not how many times you've fallen, but how many times you got back up😉

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Need info. on prime recruiters

I had Heather, if she didn't answer right away she called back in an hour or less.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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No more Prime!

After lots or reading and research I chose Prime. I start my orientation and training in a week and a half. I know home time can be unpredictable, especially at first. How often did you get home?

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Researching trucking companies

If you haven't already, I'd review these threads:

Then start applying by using the tools found in this link: Truck Driving Jobs

Once you are at this point, sitting around thinking about it only prolongs the process. Although you have your CDL in hand, the longer you wait (after going through school) the more difficult finding a job becomes.


Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Researching trucking companies

So I've got my new cdl-a license in my wallet, excited to start a new trucking career at 49 yo. I chose to pay for cdl lessons out of pocket through a local driving school. Now I am overwhelmed with the task of picking companies to set up interviews with recruiters. I have been reading through the blogs and forums, and reading Brett's book in my (very little) free time. I appreciate the honest and informative info i find here. I live in upstate new York (poughkeepsie), does anyone have any advice in my area which companies to pursue and which ones to stay away from. I am leaning heavily toward regional, I am a family man, long weeks away from home are definitely not appealing. I realize some sacrifices are necessary to get my foot in the door, putting myself through college and grad school and working my ass off since 16, I am no stranger to this. A few days out and one or two home are ideal for my first year or two while I learn the ropes.

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