Boise, ID
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Prime can kiss my rear. Time for Swift..
Edward, thanks for your service to our great country! Let me tell you, sometimes this trucking career is really tricky to get started. I completely understand your frustrations because I got sent home three different times before I landed a job. Yeah, I've spent well over 120 hours on that crazy Greyhound bus trying to get a job in this industry. I always tell people to try their best if possible to set a little money aside before you try to do this because if something can go wrong it will. But really man you've got to check your attitude just a little, and realize these companies have reasons they send people home, and it's usually not the recruiters fault. I got sent home for some really nonsensical things, but I never thought of them as being a bunch of "incompetent f-tards". They've been doing this stuff for a long time, and for someone completely new to the industry like you, to act like you know how it should be done better than them is a little troubling. Prime is a great company to work for, and they've got one of the best beginning pay rates out there. We've had a lot of drivers come through here and end up with Prime, and we've heard a lot of good feed back from them.
I hope you'll keep at it, and I hope you get a job real soon, but please just realize that just because you didn't get it on the first, second, or even the third try (like me) a great attitude and a persistent drive to "get er done" will carry you a long way in this business. Best of luck to ya!
Check my attitude? Wasn't aware I had one. I understand what you're saying 100%. Persistent is all I am doing aka why Im now at Swift. I'm not saying I know it all. Heck not even close to knowing it all. What I am saying is it is not very professional for a company to leave you stranded. Had I lied to them about anything I would understand. I didn't. I was honest and to the point. Ok fine they changed their mind about the situation but leaving someone stranded? That's not right man. Regardless of who you are. I agree about saving money before you go on job adventures. However i was unemployed for 6 months prior. Any saved money was gone. This time around I saved $600 for if it happens again. Trucker industry is tough. I understand that fully. My girlfriends dad reminds me of it every day. But even he agrees that what Prime did was messed up. You don't bring someone from one to your business and then just leave them stranded. I don't care who u r or what business you run. What if that happens to some one else but they can't find a way home? What are they to do? I think ya'll getting the wrong impression of what exactly I was trying to relay.
As for people always talking good about Prime, that's cool and all but I am sure not everyone does. Every company will have those that say they are great and those that say the company sucks. I'm just one man sharing my experience. No different than you eating at a restaurant and getting sick then telling everyone that they place got u sick and u recommend the proceed with caution.
So my story is my experience so far with Prime and for anyone looking to get on with Prime it would be my recommendation your proceed with caution because of my personal experience. Don't trust your recruiter and be prepared for the worst. Sorry if my experience offends you. I am sorry that my opinion about a company offends you. I am also sorry if my point and attitude came off as a know it all or as someone who wants handouts. I was merely stating my opinion and sharing my experience thus far. Like I said I hope my Swift experience goes better and if it does you'll hear about it. So far it's been great and Im super excited to start and finish this school strong. Noting but positive thoughts here.
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Prime can kiss my rear. Time for Swift..
Dang im srry ya went through what ya went through but recruiters only get pd by putting ppl in the orientation room therefore they will say anything to get ya there.ur app goes through a more thorough look after that.im srry but i will let tghis one fly loud and proud ,,the whole im military doesnt count anymore like it used to look around noone cares if ya served or are serving they just see ya as an employee nothing special.so the fact to even stand and tell an employer ur military or were military might as well dstay in ur mind.alot of ppl use that on the highway cryin for food.
so ya can see where im coming from with this,yes i do care that ya protected our country and our freedom,but would i as an employer give ya special treatment?no i wouldnt.just hang in there something will come through and do alot of research with other drivers theyed know more of what the company will and will not hire.
Well I'm glad you're speaking your mind. I don't want special treatment kind sure. Re-read what I said. You as an employer wouldn't hire me just cause Im a vet. Cool, wouldn't expect that. Now was about the dude with felonies and multiple drug arrests? You'd hire him over me? They let an in and out criminal drive for them but denied a vet for a dmissed case? Really that is the point behind the whole vet thing. Oh and half those guys holding signs saying they are vets, they're not. My DD214 and vet card will prove that I am. Recruiters say this and say that blah blah blah. Yeah that makes it 100% right to leave someone stranded in Missouri. Forget that I am a vet for a sec. What if I was a 25 yr old male with a kid at home and had been unemployed for 6 months prior to going to Prime for work? Now i get there, Im broke, and get told hey man sorry OUR recruiter lied to you but you aren't hired oh and good luck getting home. So unemployed for 6 months. Zero $s to buy a ticket. How the hell would I get home if I didn't have people willing to help me? So now Im just stranded. Yeah man that's good business practice for your company. Remind me of your thought process if you ever find your way in enemy fire. I'll make sure to do what I feel you deserve in order to make sure you don't get hit.....
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Prime can kiss my rear. Time for Swift..
That really sucks. Honestly, that's what I'm most afraid of about this whole process. That I'll do everything I possibly can ahead of time and there and for some reason beyond my control, I'll still be sent home.
Dismissed by motion of the prosecution means your guilty? How? That doesn't even begin to make sense to me.
Well in order to have it dismissed by motion of the prosecutor you need to do something for them. I did 16 hour community service and 16 hour alcohol awareness class. He said because of that it was like i was saying yes prosecutor I'm guilty but I don't want to go to court. I'll scratch your back if u scratch mine. I even had an e-mail and letter from my lawyer saying the a dismissed case by motion of the prosecutor is not a conviction and should not be reflected as such.
You know it's my biggest fear still. I'm afraid of it happening with Swift but it's a risk I'm willing to take for something I really want to do. If I get screwed over by Swift in the same way I did by Prime, I'll be done with the trucker industry. At that point I wouldn't trust a damn soul.
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Prime can kiss my rear. Time for Swift..
Prime is ran by a bunch incompetent f-tards. Here is why:
In November 2012 I filled out an application for Prime Inc to attend their CDL driving school. After some a couple weeks of sorting out some issues I was told by my recruiter that I was good to go and could attend the driving school with no problem.
She lied through her dang teeth!
Issue 1: I had an excessive speeding ticket on my record for going 96 in a 65. My recruiter originally had said i would be DQed because of it. She called back a little later and said she had talked to an individual involved in the hiring process and they had cleared me to go via a waiver for the excessive speed.
Issue 2: I had a public intoxication on my record from May 2012. The case was dismissed by motion of the prosecutor and the background check clearly states this. Well because it was an alcohol related incident and it was only a mere 6 months before I had applied to Prime my recruiter was uncertain if I would be able to go. She said she would have to talk to the guy that makes these decisions. His name is Matt by the way. I get a call back the next day and I was told it would not be an issue seems how the case was dismissed. Sweet! We got a bus ticket and I was on my way 2 days later.
So after a 2 day bus ride I show up in Missouri for the training. The first day there is when you go through background checks and interviews or what have you. Well the first thing I get told is "Sorry but we aren't going to be able to hire you because of the excessive speeding." WTF!!!??? I explained to the lady what I was told by my recruiter and after that I was told that seems how it was while on military leave the indeed would waive it. Whew! Close call there.
Then the public intox comes up. Bam again she tells me I'm DQed. I tell her once again I was told by recruiter that this was ok and that my recruiter directly contacted the guy who runs through the background checks, Matt, and he said it would be ok. After waiting 10 minutes I get pulled aside to talk to this Matt guy. He says, "I remember the conversation with your recruiter but I never actually looked. Now that I have looked I see that it says dismissed hy motion of the prosecutor and that is basically the same as saying I'm guilty so I will be unable to hire you for this reason." Exact words, trust me I won't ever forget them. I plead my case as best as I can. I explain to him the situation and how I am an Army vet and had just recently arrived back home from Iraq but it still didn't work. I was offically a no go.
I was very irate at this point as you could imagine I am sure. I have never felt so screwed over. Now here is the kicker, a guy I was there with that I had become to be friends with was allowed to be hired even though on his record he had convictions on multiple drug counts and a felony burglary. All of them back in the late 80s early 90s. Talk about even getting more upset. Here I am a military vet that has never been arrested but that one time and i get told no for a guy with felonies.
Now to sweeten the deal I was informed I would have to provide my own way back home!!! Are u flipping serious!!!!!????? Yup hey were serious. I had to call home and borrow $250 from my dad to get back home to my girlfriend and son. This is how Prime treats vets apparently.
So now I am currently on a greyhound heading to swift school in Lewiston, Idaho. My recruiter was informed of everything that happened with Prime and is assured me that would not happen with Swift. He told me they go by convictions only and if it says dismissed in anyway I would be ok. That excessive speeding in now of my record so I'll be fine in that aspect. I hope this works out better than Prime!
Posted: 11 years, 9 months ago
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Prime can kiss my rear. Time for Swift..
I like this post better than your last lol. When talking to them about the recruiter sayin one thing and them sayin another it was at like saying well so and so said this so you're hiring me. I was talking to them about how the recruiter said she had talked to Matt and he had said it was ok. Matt himself even said this. It was me asking them why they would bring me all the way there telling me ok then getting there and him telling me no. It was more of me askin why the f he did that to me and i asked if anything i could do to make him choose otherwise. He blamed it on insurance and said he wouldn't want to add me on it. It was upsetting. I was very let down and it introduced me to the hard world of trucking. What really gets me is the same guy that said yes while I was in Idaho said no when we got face to face. Im sure it won't be the last time Im f-ed over but that doesn't mean I'll be happy about it either. I'll lick my wounds and carry on just like I've done in the past and i am doing now. It sucks i get it. Positive attitude, got it. But doesn't make it right what prime did.