Profile For SGT

SGT's Info

  • Location:
    Cleveland, OH

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 1 month ago

SGT's Bio

I'm just getting started, currently enrolled at Hamrick Truck Driving school in Medina, OH in the 600 hour program. I started my career path in the Law Enforcement for 5 years from there because of my blood pressure and the dangers and low pay I went into the computer field where I was a IT Specialist for 16 years at a local school district then after my boss retired I moved on as well after my new boss told me to get on board with the program or get out I found another job with more advancement unfortunates that after 2 years working in the health care field. I found myself without a job after a month on unemployment I couldn't just sit around the house and out looking for a job I needed something to do, so I decided to do something I always wanted to do since I was a kid I went to Truck Driving School and looking at changing careers once again and hopefully stay in this field and move up to trainer or safety directory who knows maybe even own my own company.

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Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Started my Training last week at Hamrick

Started my schooling last week, I already have my temps with tanker, double and triples and passenger just need to get my hazmat and I'll be all set. Got through my second week of classroom still have 3 more weeks and 10 weeks in the yard and on the road. So far so good, I know how to read a map but actually learned how to read the Trucker Atlas really well. Now just can't wait to get in the yard and start learning the P.T.I. and start driving can't wait.

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