Profile For Phoenix

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Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Family supper was interesting about trucking... not

As my fiance has been taking care of our new born i was working full time to pay our full rent in their house (900 a month) after our son passed away

I'm so very very sorry sorry.gif

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Cb culture dead?

Gonna put mine on 21 from here on out. Except when I need traffic or weather info and no one is on 21. Absolutely GREAT idea!

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Happy Thanksgiving all. If anyone is in southern WV and nowhere to be you are welcome in my home.

Well thank you, and the same to you!

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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How do YOU deal with time zone changes?

Soon as I know where I'm to end up, my clock is based on that time zone, qcomm exempted, which is home terminal time, always.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Change your paradigm. (i.e...if you think you can't, you're right. If you think you can, you're right.) What we achieve in our lives is in direct relation to what we believe we will achieve.

The clearer we define things in our own mind, the sooner they actually become reality. Write it down, talk about it. Whatever helps you define what you really want in your thoughts. Picture it and fill in the details.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Taking Curves

Not sure if this is similar to what Errol means, but I take the curves as fast as I can without lateral movement...if I'm leaning in a curve, I'm taking it too fast. Those posted limits aren't meant for us unless they specify truck speed limit. Like Sue's, our company policy is ramps at half the posted speed. I don't recall anything said about curves though.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Money well spent

The company names are boldly displayed on their equipment. You'd think they'd want it to look the best it could. Perhaps it could be a budget issue? Same company, two different divisions, two different responses. (my company)

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Teaming with wife.

We team with C.R. England, and we like it here. Rough beginning financially until we got on a dedicated fleet, but now we're doing fairly well, though our miles are still inconsistent. I think this is because we are constantly dealing with crises at home though. It's been difficult to get into a routine when everything changes from week to week. So I don't fault England at all. We get .42cpm split, or .21 for all the miles the truck runs on the dedicated fleet. Miles are there no problem, when we can run them. OTR fleet was .28cpm split straight out of training. That was rough lol. Dedicated accepted us before phase 2 was finished, so that was a sweet deal for us. Most companies pay more, but I look at it this way... No tuition is taken out of our pay, and our contracts are 6 months (husband is a vet), and 9 months for mine. So take home is that little bit more.

Hope that helps! good-luck.gif

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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I did it!!! My first Prime-iversary ;)

Me too Rainy!! smile.gif

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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On My Own & Driving Solo

Yeah! We don't always realize what we are capable of until the limits get pushed. You go, girl! Thank you, Deb. Honestly, I've pushed several limits since the beginning of this adventure...split shifting, taking a rig on city streets and then a highway, mountains (that was the first one I actually balked at), backing up, the Houston flood, and driving solo. Each one of those was a crossroad for me, where I lacked confidence and had to mentally push myself through. The internal argument went like this...I can't do this. What a waste of 7500.00. Come on, buck up, you can do this. No, I can't... And with each struggle, except the mountain, I overcame the fear and stepped up. I tried. And I succeeded, or tried again until I did. The night before I left on my first trip solo, I was thrilled. I was scared. My co driver, my husband, was the bigger part of the team, and now I'd have to do it ALL. What if I couldn't do it? What if I messed up bad enough I hurt someone or damaged this beautiful equipment? What if, what if, what if...

But I could, and I did. And I'm now my co driver's equal.

Again, Trucking Truth, thank-you.gif y'all rock!!

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