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Posted: 9 years ago
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Extended "home time" after being out long periods of time?
Makes sense from a business stand point to cap. My wife and I will drive team though so maybe that will help. Thank y'all for the responses and stay safe out there.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Extended "home time" after being out long periods of time?
I'll be attending Roadmasters driving school in May. This site has already been a great help, thank you guys. Most of my questions I have found answers too except this one. Can you stay out 7 weeks then take 7 days off or do most trucking companies cap you on your earned days off?
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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CRST training experience?
Does anyone know anything about the cdl school offered by CRST? My fiance and I are going in to team trucking. We were thinking about Roadmasters, but that's going to cost 15,000 for both of us. She's worried that a sponsored program will not take the time and be patient with her if she needs it. I don't want to take on the debt if we can help it, but we will if its going to be a better learning experience. I've read a ton of info under the training topic on TT. If anyone has had a good experience with a sponsored program we would love to hear about that too. Thank you guys in advance, y'all are a big help for a hopeful new trucker team!