Profile For Thomas R.

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Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

So this morning we continued with the cargo securement class. At lunch we met one of the trainer fleet managers. He talked to us about what to do once we get home to get out with a trainer and about what out with the trainer will be like. Also told us who our fleet managers will be. After lunch we went out and the instructor showed how to open and use a curtain side trailer. Then we went to the example flat bed and learned how to roll and throw straps, and practiced on how to secure different types of cargo on a flatbed. Then it was back to the hotel. Have a half day class in the morning and then the 16 hour drive back home to georgia

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

So I didn't get a chance to post last night. Yesterday was test day. I passed. Got 2 points on the pre trip because they only had me do 2 parts of it that weren't in order. And got 2 points on the drive for 2 downshifts. Backing was perfect. I was the first to test in the morning so the rest of the day until everyone else finished testing was spent watching videos on roehl and driving. After everyone was through we basically spent the rest of the afternoon doing paperwork and going over power points. Today we started off the morning with more paperwork. Then more videos and powerpoints. Then with a foot plus of snow went out to try and do 45 backs and truck stop pull throughs. That didn't work. Truck kept getting stuck. So we aborted after an hour or 2 and back inside for more videos on equipment. After lunch we started cargo securement class and spent all afternoon on that

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day


Thomas, I would love to know who your instructor's are. I went to Roehl's CDL school in Marshfield in October 2014. While I no longer drive for them I think their training is excellent. When I am driving some days, I can still hear my instructor and trainer's voice in my head in certain situations. I haul very heavy trailers each day and I can hear Dan telling me I need to put my foot in the throttle to accelerate or Brenda telling me to get a little more out of a gear! :-)


Brenda, my class has been like the ***** class haha. We've been passed around a lot. We've had Bill, Dave, Marc, Brian, Dan, Dale, and and another Dave that is up from ATL training on being an instructor

Sorry, Jolie*

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

Thomas, I would love to know who your instructor's are. I went to Roehl's CDL school in Marshfield in October 2014. While I no longer drive for them I think their training is excellent. When I am driving some days, I can still hear my instructor and trainer's voice in my head in certain situations. I haul very heavy trailers each day and I can hear Dan telling me I need to put my foot in the throttle to accelerate or Brenda telling me to get a little more out of a gear! :-)

Brenda, my class has been like the ***** class haha. We've been passed around a lot. We've had Bill, Dave, Marc, Brian, Dan, Dale, and and another Dave that is up from ATL training on being an instructor

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

So this morning we started off with the pre trip. Then we went out and drove around town for a couple hours. Came back to the yard and got some backing practice in. And finished going over the jj Keller answers before lunch. After lunch we did the pre trip again. Then my partner drove to the truck stop in pittsville. Got there and the instructor had me look at the map in the truck stop and told me to find a different route back. Got it with no problems. Drove around town a little more when we got back to marshfield. Then took the truck through the wash and vacuumed and wiped down the inside clean for the testing tomorrow. Then it was time to go back to the hotel. Got CDL exams in the morning in the snow

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

So Saturday was a half day in the classroom. Went over the pc systems in the trucks, hazmat regulations, and legalizing loads. Today, started off the morning doing the pre trip like normal. Then we hit the road and drove around town. Then hit the range for a little bit of backing. After lunch we hit the range again for more backing practice until break time. After break we went over half the answers from the jj Keller books. Then did more backing. Then drove around the block one more time before it was time to head back to the hotel

Posted:  8 years, 12 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

So today our class is now officially down to 4 people. And we will be testing next wednesday. We started off the morning doing our pre trips. Then spent the rest of the morning practicing all our backing until lunch. After lunch we did our pre trips again. Then took turns driving for the rest of the afternoon. Finished the day with our post trips and back to the hotel. Half day tomorrow being spent in the classroom

Posted:  8 years, 12 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

So this morning we met in the classroom. Then spent the morning in the simulator doing hazard driving (weather, construction). Then took lunch. After lunch we went out to the trucks. Did our pre trip. Then for the afternoon our instructors did a surprise pre test on our driving and backing (for testing out early next) everything went well. The 4 of us should be testing next wednesday. Just have a couple things to work on before test day. Got done with that, did our post trip, and it was time to go back to the hotel

Posted:  8 years, 12 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

Ok so I missed yesterday. We started out most of the morning in the classroom going over the "roehl way" of driving. Then spent about 30-45 minutes working on the pre trip before lunch. After lunch we worked on the pre trip again and then spent the rest of the day out driving around town, some back County roads, and highways.

Today, we started out doing our pre trips. It started snowing and wind gust up to 40+ mph so the instructors had us pull in the shed to finish them. Then we went out and spent the morning driving around town. After lunch we went over the in cab of the pre trip again. Then we hit the backing range working on our offset and alley backs. Then it was back out to the roads. Instructor had us take the highway for a few minutes so that we could feel what it was like to drive in high speed crosswinds. Then we went back to driving around town. After that it was time to go back to the hotel

Posted:  8 years, 12 months ago

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Roehl Company-Sponsored Program - Day to Day

After a day and a half off, we all made some mistakes today. Started the morning off doing our pre trip. Then each of did offset and alley back. Then we hit the road until lunch. After lunch I drove the road (didn't get to before lunch) then it was back to the yard and worked more on our offset and alley back til time to go back to the hotel

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