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Posted:  9 years ago

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Job Advice Pepsi or Lowe's

Wow I guess I was underestimating the flatbed driver position for Lowe's. Still, it doesn't sound as hard as the Pepsi job. I'd like more feedback from others as well.

Nero, I think you need to totally reevaluate the Lowe's position. I used to work at Lowe's and I worked side by side with the Deliveries Department so I know a lot more about them that I care to. In fact, I used to help them sometimes with their deliveries.

It's actually pretty fast paced, and is a very physically challenging job. You load up the product onto a cart then palletize it all by yourself. So imagine loading full sheets of drywall/plywood/4x4x12 lumber and all those small Simpson fittings that are a pain to locate and must be an exact match. You spend more time loading/unloading than driving.

Also, let's take this for instance. A customer is ordering two entire pallets of tile. That's easy to load but the delivery is tough. Not only are you constantly driving in residential areas in a decent-sized truck but you can't just drop the product off at the customers driveway. Nope, you pick it up with your forklift and drive it as close to the front door as possible and then you hand carry the tile and place it where the customer directs you to.

My point is, "The Lowe's job is one of the ezest jobs since all you do is pretty much drive." cannot be further from the truth and you are underestimating this job tremendously.

Also, just my personal opinion, you're 21 years old, you shouldn't be afraid of physical work. Pick which job suits you the best and the job that you think you can do for a few years and go with it. There is no shortcut, you will have to bust your ass irregardless of where you end up.

Lastly, dont force yourself into a position you don't feel great about. If you have to, keep looking.

Posted:  9 years ago

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Job Advice Pepsi or Lowe's

Sounds like you really should take the pepsi job and get that tractor trailer experience. I know how you feel, i wouldn't want to have to deal with people like that either, but then again that part of it can be useful experience as well.

Are those the only two choices? I guess you really want or need a local job?

Well I mean they are both jobs I already applied to they both decided to call me back with job offers. Yeah I'm not looking to go OTR. Not if I can choose something local anyway.

Posted:  9 years ago

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Job Advice Pepsi or Lowe's

Can anyone give me a bit of advice?. I have a pretty long problem/dilemma that I'd like some advice with.

I recently went to Trucking School and got my Class A CDL. I'm looking for a job and by a string of luck or some god smiling down upon me I got TWO job offers. One from Lowe's and the other from Pepsi. They are both for driver positions. In the Lowe's job you drive a straight truck flatbed, load your truck with a forklift, drive it to where it needs to go and unload with forklift. Repeat. With the Pepsi it's those side load truck. You make 15-20 stops per day moving cases of soda/water in a hand truck in and out of stores.

Lowe's pros: >21.81/hr > good company/benefits/people(good neighborhood near San Francisco lot of cash) > full time with predictable two days off > not so labor intensive(forklift does heavy lifting/physical part would be chain securing)

Lowe's cons: > bridge toll is 5 dollars every day >25-30ish miles commute > driving a straight flat bed so no tractor trailer experience

Pepsi pro: >20.98 per hour > the plant is in my city literally 10 min drive > benefits >tractor trailer experience

Pepsi con: >merchandising product/having to deal with ****y store manager and customers > more physical fast paced work (That's not too bad, plus I'd probably stay a bit fit)

I'm 21 and I need to work my CDL for experience. If I choose Lowe's I could do the Lowe's **** for 3 years, then see a good local tractor trailer gig where you can clear $70k. But they tell you they want 2 years of Class A experience. So I'd be screwed. Maybe I could apply at WM or something later tho.

If I choose Pepsi it'd be a lot more physical work but I'd be getting tractor trailer experience so it's better for my career.

Which should I go for? I am a lazy ******* so working itself puts me off but muh animes can't pay themselves. A reason I got my CDL Class A was so I could work an easy job but that's not the case with Pepsi. Pepsi would be good for experience in the long term but suck because of hard work. The Lowe's job is one of the ezest jobs since all you do is pretty much drive. pls respond

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