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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 1 year, 2 months ago
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Try J&R Schugel out of New Ulm MN. That is where I got trained after school.
Posted: 2 years ago
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Hello everyone. looking for good sunglasses and updates.
Thank you for all the replies. I will order a pair of the 3m safety glasses and try them. if that don't work, I will keep trying others that you people suggested.
Posted: 2 years, 1 month ago
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Hello everyone. looking for good sunglasses and updates.
I know I haven't been on here in a while. I am now doing a flatbed job. It is a lot harder work than I thought it would be, but I am home everyday. My question is, what do you guys and gals use for sunglasses? I tried buying them from different places, but they are all the same. They just make everything really dark and most of the time I can't use them. I need a good pair that blocks the glare but doesn't make everything dark.
Thanks, Dan
Posted: 4 years ago
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I used personal conveyance to move over to the truck wash today to try to conserve the hours in relation to my split so that I can have more options after I am loaded this evening.
I would be careful using personal conveyance that way. You could be in trouble if you get caught.
Posted: 4 years ago
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What kind of tunes yall like to listen to OTR?
I found a app called radio garden that you can listen to radio stations all over the world. Search the App Store for it.
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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So much for preloaded trailers
I arrived at my shipper last night about 22:50 for a drop and hook. They told me it wasn't loaded yet, and gave me a pager for when they had door open to load me. I went in my bunk waiting for the pager that never went off. when I woke up, everyone was gone and the place was locked up. When the morning shift showed up, they were not happy about it. They told me to back into a door and loaded me. when I was loaded, I went in for my paperwork, and found out they loaded the wrong load. Lucky for the other driver from my company that showed up about that time. It was his load on my trailer. He took that one and I am being loaded now.
The good thing about being a company driver is the detention pay I will get for this. That is about 12 hours waiting.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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I requested a non smoking trainer when I started. They gave me a smoker. I should have got a different trainer. I suffered through it just to get it over with. I do not recommend anyone do that.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Trucker reportedly forced to alter log book before crash awarded $80 million!
Am I missing something? I thought a 34 hour reset was optional, not required by law.
Posted: 6 years ago
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I use a bucket of warm water with dawn dish soap. It takes everything off.
Posted: 8 months, 3 weeks ago
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One year down.. now what?
Check out Bay and Bay. We have a terminal in Denton TX. They have always treated me right. Mostly Reefer.