Orlando, FL
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Combat Vet trying to fit in.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Im not a smoker i dont smoke weed or even cigs. It was an option to my Meds and i took it. One time thing wont do it again. The meds i take are not on any list i check with DOT they just make me feel horrible.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Hello everyone.searching online for a source on truckng information and landed here. I'm a combat veteran recently met boarded out of the army due to PTSD. I have four combat tours under my belt and these past two years have been really hard struggle for my life . Trucking is always been something appealing to me because I could see the country and I'm on my own.
I have a six-year-old son who means the world to me and even though I only see him every two weeks I still feel guilt for getting on the truck .I have not been hired by the company but I have about six pre-hire letters awaiting my answer. I know that this career is the right one for me and I don't want to **** it up. I put away all my drugs that the VA gives me I haven't use them at all. But I have PTSD and I found myself smoking marijuana to deal with my anxiety. It's been 20 days since I last smoked. I was back on my meds since they are prescribed and you're staying clean and working out to detox my body. I chose trucking because I want to change in my life . I am scared to fail the drug screen. I plan on giving CRST a shot. They have me going to orientation at the end of this month hopefully I'll be clean hopefully I am able to get this job and change my life.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Changing my life
Thanks Rick.
I feel horrible trust me. And this civilian life is crazy. Im going to wait it out a few more weeks and take a test myself Before i put myself out there. I got my CDL on my own while i was in the military. I took 2 weeks of leave to train on a buddys truck and i was able to pass so im still going to get hired as a student driver. I just dont want my first job to be a failure over something that i know myself im not going to ever do again. I came on here because this site is great i get to meet professional drivers and get inside information about the trucking life.