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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Why do some truckers try to avoid a 34-hour restart?
Personally for me it all depends on the loads. If I have a tight load, and I have to max out my hours, I’ll do it and if I am lucky enough to have extra hours, I’ll try to sneak in a 34 hour reset. It all depends on the freight and the needs of the customers. My FM keeps me running so 99% of the time I am running on recaps. Other than hometime I think I’ve taken two 34 hour resets in the two months that I’ve been back running OTR.
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Do drivers often have to ride on buses?
When I was with Roehl while going to school I rode the bus to orientation/School but once I passed they rented me a car to go home and get my license registered (ie hard copy) and take some home time. They also rented me a car to go down and meet my trainer in Gary Indiana (I’m from Northern Michigan). After doing local for a few years I decided to go back OTR and my current company Pride Transport flew me out to Salt Lake City from Northern MI for orientation. I guess it all depends on the company, where you live and how far you are from the terminal.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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A. Duie Pyle / Family Dollar pay
I’ve been doing local beverage delivery for almost two years and even I won’t do a dollar account! I was offered one when I decided to go back OTR and while the money sounds good, it’s too much like I am doing now (only a week left there before I go back OTR!). Keep in mind I make around 50 a year and drive about 600 miles a week, but I earn every penny of that money and to me the money I currently make isn’t worth anymore. Those stores are very difficult for a day cab and 40 foot trailer to get into, I can’t imagine trying to get a sleeper with a 53 foot trailer into some of those stores. Good luck to anyone who does those accounts!
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Just confirmed my date for orientation with PRIDE, I will fly out to Salt Lake City on Christmas Day to begin orientation on December 26.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Why not go back to Roehl? Might be the path of least resistance.
They are only hiring Flatbed in my area and I have no desire to go back to flatbed.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Well, it’s been a while! Almost two years since I’ve been on here, I’ve been lurking this entire time but haven’t said anything. I guess a brief introduction is in order before I go into detail.
I started with Roehl back in 2016 doing flatbed but had to quit due to my now ex wife leaving me and not being able to handle life as a truckers wife. I was able to get a local job with a beverage distributor driving truck, but now that my divorce is final (she left me with a ton of debt) I’ve been thinking about going back over the road with the goal of staying out 4-5 weeks at a time. I’m looking at Forward Air and Pride but am open to any and all suggestions. Like I said I want to be out 4-5 weeks at a time and hopefully get home for 5-7 days straight once a month. My girlfriend wants to come out with me occasionally, so a rider policy is a must.
Thanks for reading
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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So, I have been away from here for a while as I have been very busy and learning this new career. But I wanted to give you all an update on my experience with Roehl's flatbed division. After I completed their "Get your CDL program" I was picked up by a trainer and was put with him for 10 days. The training last a minimum of 10 day and will go until the trainer and your fleet manager feel you're ready to run solo. After I tested out, I was given my own truck (a 2013 international, 10 speed) and was dispatched home with a load. Things have been going alright and I have been home twice since I went out with my trainer (Roehl is really good at getting you home when they say they will, I even got 5 days off for 4th of July). Flatbedding is tough work and I have learned something new everyday. I am usually putting in the full 14 and having to do resets each week because it takes longer to secure and tarp loads. All and all I am having a blast out here!
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Thanks for the info, I've been considering going this Route to get my CDL One question, what happens if your a bit slower to catch on ? Will they work with you a little longer, or are you more likely to be " let go"
Thanks in advance
It depends, most catch on, and they give you goals for the end of each week. We had a few struggle and they worked with them. If you fail the skills test, they work with you and hold you over until you can retest.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Is this common? (trucking schools baiting people to come in)
Do any/many others do this? I've seen ads for CRST, Celadon, and Roehl seeking CDL trainees lately. I'll double check the ads, as I don't like TDI presently fishing for students deceptively.
BTW, I've checked with Prime, Knight, and CREngland for sponsored training already. Closed doors there, and not all due to location.
I know that if Roehl is hiring in FL then they will train and pay you to get your CDL. Fill out an app with Roehl and then give them a call, you will talk to someone directly with Roehl and they will fill you in on the Get your cdl program.
A month back I did contact Roehl, specifically since they are up near Illinois (up north). I asked if they were hiring out of FL, she said yes, and said they'd fly me down (every 3-4 weeks) for hometime. I discounted it initially, but realized they took care of drivers. I replied to her email, but she didn't respond.
Hawk, do you work for Roehl? If so I'd like to ask you questions about them. I clicked on your name, but didn't see a link to PM you. I'd like to hear more, specifically about flatbeds, their specialty. I'd not been aware of it, yet I'm game.
I do work for Roehl, just finished school and am waiting to go out with my trainer.
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Would you have stopped sooner?
Back when I was out with my trainer three years ago, he taught me something that I still use to this day “when you take your 30 min break, take a few minutes to plan where you’re going to stay the night, and should something go wrong (it’s trucking after all) have a back up plan” he also taught me to start looking for parking with an hour to an hour and a half left on my clock. My company pays for parking, so if I know it’s going to be late when I stop, I call ahead and reserve my spot for the night, that gives me piece of mind knowing that I’ll have a safe and legal place to park for the evening.