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Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Lease purchase on equipment of youre choice
Hello drivers, I am new to posting on this forum but have been reading the posts for years, so here is my 2 cents.
I am starting the Schneider IC program this month, and yes there has been some changes. Here is what I know of some the recent changes. 1. No more zero down on the brand new Freightliner Cascadias, you can get a gently used freightliner with zero down. The new Freightliners, Kenworth, Peterbilt and Volvos require a down payment anywhere $1,000- $7000 down payment no later then a week before you start orientation. How they determine how much you put down I am sure is a combination of things, such as credit score, current debt, monthly expenses etc. I was told if I would have started in Feburary they had a deal in which for example, your down payment was 5000 (2000 down and 3000 security deposit) they allowed you to put 2000 down and add the 3000 to your month payments over the lease length. This month if you put the same 5000 down 2k would go to down payment and the 3k as the security deoposit, all to be paid at once before you start, but they will match the 3k at end of your lease, 6k is returned to you plus and money in your maintenance account (if you have any remaing) that is deducted weekly. Then at the end of your 3 year lease you have several options: 1. Baloon payment pay full balance 2. Get your own finance to pay balance 3, sign a new 1-2 year lease to pay balance 4, turn it in get the 6k and maintenace amount returned to you and start a new lease with a new truck 5. Turn in get money 6k and maintenance (if any) and walk away.
So yes there has been some changes, and from what I have observed from ic drivers via youtube, talking with ic drivers and doing my own research, I feel this program is for me, simply for the fact that I have more control of my destination, when I want to go home, and being able to run the speed limit in any state I drive in. You also know what you are gonna be paid for that load before you even pick it up, no brokers or dispatchers to deal with, and the ability to run your business your way. I will post my status as I start this new venture and keep you all updated if you are intrested.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Lease purchase on equipment of youre choice
Thats fine the you can remove my reply.