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Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Best companies to get Pre-Hire letters from
Hi, just found this site and have found it really helpful and i now come a with question. I'm in the process of getting funding for school and one of the requirements is Pre-Hire letters, ive had luck with Pride/May Trucking but now can't seem to find any big companies that are willing to give them. Was curious if any of you knew big companies or small companies really, that gave the letters and hopefully within a quick amount time seeing as im itching to get going haha. Thanks in advance!
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Can't drive a car anymore...
As someone who is about to start school here in a few weeks these are pretty crazy to read, especially the having trouble backing up. Is it really that much easier in a tractor to back up, that so far is one of my biggest worrys haha.