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Posted: 1 year, 2 months ago
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You asked for advice so here's mine. Start driving like a responsible person and you won't have these types of issues.
Posted: 1 year, 2 months ago
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Cameras inside facing road and cameras on mirrors facing back side of truck.
Thank you Errol!
Posted: 1 year, 2 months ago
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Cameras inside facing road and cameras on mirrors facing back side of truck.
Was hoping the youtube video link I posted would play. Perfect example of why companies are installing driver facing cameras.
Posted: 1 year, 2 months ago
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Cameras inside facing road and cameras on mirrors facing back side of truck.
Posted: 1 year, 2 months ago
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I was issued a newer truck and it stank bad. It had been driven by a female driver who'd gotten mad and abruptly quit. She made next to no attempt to clean it.
Anyway, maintenance had it pretty well cleaned up before I got into it and I detailed the rest but it stank.
Maintenance tried using their ozone machine twice but the smell kept coming back. Finally, about a month after getting the truck I told them I couldn't drive it unless the smell was removed. Itvwas really that bad.
I worked 4 days then was off 4 days. I got back to work after my 4 days off and they said they found the source of the smell.
Both front seats had a rubber accordian type surround on the bottom of them. Underneath that rubber surround on the passenger side was a package of hot dog weiners that they said were as moldy and wet and sloppy from decay and rot as anything they'd ever seen. It'd been there for several weeks. I'm almost positive she planted them there on purpose before she left in a huff but have no proof of it.
I decided if I were to leave on bad terms i was going to slightly open a can of sardines to hide somewhere but I left on good terms.
Posted: 1 year, 2 months ago
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What do you find the most annoying?
Picking just one is tough. I can't stand people who don't know how to merge onto the interstate.
They act like you are supposed to brake from 65mph to allow them into your lane. And if you move over into the next lane for them, they maintain your speed right beside you instead of speeding up so you can get back in the right lane.
Posted: 1 year, 3 months ago
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Any company I've worked for had a policy that if you need to put on chains it's time to get off the road. I've never driven daycab but I'm pretty sure they'd not expect you to have a layover in one. They'd probably prefer you got to a motel.
Posted: 1 year, 3 months ago
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Good luck with TMC.
What did that turtle weigh and are you allowed to keep them in AR? We can only keep common snapping turtles here in Tn.
Posted: 1 year, 2 months ago
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Truck Wash Tickets
I used to have to get a Kosher washout for a certain refrigerated load I hauled when I drove for Maverick.
The company requiring it absolutely would not accept a load without it.
It had to be from a specific wash facility with a certain stamp on the receipt to prove you had it done.
It was actually blessed by a Rabbi.