Jackson, MI
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Spteach52 On The Web
I have been a classroom Spanish/English teacher for thirty years, and I'm interested in getting away from spending eight hours in a room with no windows. I teach driver education to adults and teenagers after my regular job but I'm getting frustrated with fifteen year old people and up that feel drinking, drugs and sex are the end all. I have traveled to Mexico and Costa Rica but I have only seen a handful of states in the United States. My lovely wife of thirty-one years is in agreement with my teacher retirement but she is nervous about my desire to explore truck driving.
Posted: 9 years ago
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US Mexico and Canada Transportation
Hi, As I explore the possibility of becoming a truck driver, I was wondering if there are opportunities to transport across the three borders.
Posted: 9 years ago
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US Mexico and Canada Transportation
Rick, Thank you for your informative response. I'm retiring as a Spanish-English teacher, and I wanted to be prepared when a company found out that I speak Spanish and English. I can't imagine that I will need my Spanish skills as a truck driver, but I have used them leading student groups in Spanish speaking countries. :)