Virginia Beach, VA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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About to graduate CDL training in Miami, Heading to Roehl
Just a quick update fellas, I passed my CDL road tests and graduated with honors. I am currently sitting in the hotel in Atlanta, patiently awaiting Monday to get here. In the meantime, I have completed the VA and Dept. of labor paperwork that the VA rep has given me. I'm going nuts in this room.
I'll be on here all night going over all the info that Roehl sent to me.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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About to graduate CDL training in Miami, Heading to Roehl
Thank you so much for the advice, ill keep everything in mind as I progress.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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About to graduate CDL training in Miami, Heading to Roehl
That's great advice. I have a friend that I served with, he drives for Roehl now and suggested that I look them up. I'm not so much worried about the money, anything is better than what I was making at Honda. ( cleared less than $17k last year)
I'm extremely happy and thankful for the opportunity to start this new chapter in my life, I just want to get going. Also, my buddy was issued a new freightliner and its an auto, is there any way to I guess request a 10 speed, I don't have a problem with autos, I just prefer to row my own gears.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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WOOHOO!!! YAY!!! YIPPEE!!!!! I DID IT!!!!......Passed my.....
Congrats Sir!
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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About to graduate CDL training in Miami, Heading to Roehl
Hello everyone, first of all I want to thank each and everyone of you for your contributions to this wonderful forum. A little bit about myself, My name is Scott Kelleher. I am a 30 year old medically retired Army Vet, from Virginia Beach. I was working for Honda for about 2 years as a tech, and after making $16 an hour flat rate, and making literally next to nothing, I decided to go back to trucking. I was an 88M in the service, I drove in Afghanistan and made it back home in one piece, so I figure I must be doing something right. Anyway, I am in my 4th and final week here in Miami for The CDL School. My orientation with Roehl begins next week on the 11th, in Atlanta.
My question is: what have I gotten myself into? what can I expect from Roehl, what will they expect from me?
I have the sense to journey into this with a level head, to expect that the trainers will treat me like a no nothing newbie. I'm fine with that, as they know nothing about me and what am capable of. Anyone that can give me some insight on what I will be getting into, I would greatly appreciate it.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Desperate for help with left offset and left parallel - PLEASE HELP ME!
So, basically what I'm gathering. you're having a hard time getting the trailer to go where you want it to go. I'm not exactly qualified to offer advice on issues in the civilian sector, but I drove tractor-trailers in the army for 8 years. One thing I learned was to Jack and chase. When you begin your maneuver, you want the rear of the trailer to got to the right or the left. To accomplish this, you only want to make minimal adjustments to your steering wheel, too much and you'll end up jack knifing. While you are backing up, you want to watch the sides of your trailer and not the tandems. I don't know why, but it seems to make it easier , for me at least to get the trailer where you want it to go. As soon as you got the trailer in the right direction, get the tractor behind it immediately, make small adjustments and chase the trailer. I'm currently sitting in the hotel room awaiting Monday to get here, to begin my orientation with Roehl Transport. So I'm sitting here trying to get as much info as possible. if there is anything I can help with, please let me know.