Parma, OH
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Declined by Prime Trucking School...
All this worries me... I had 0 problem qualifying with prime. I actually leave tomorrow for school.
I hope they don't pull and tricks once I get there. Don't get me wrong... I was honest about work history, traffic violations etc...I rolled my car 3 years ago (litterly it falls off my record in 2 days) Pam actually gave me more of a problem.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Well last day before I leave... Having some drinks with friends, family. Tomorrow going to a Easter egg hunt with my son before I leave that evening...
Posted: 9 years ago
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I am starting my CDL Schooling next Monday 03/28/2016.
Driving a stick is like anything else. It just takes time. You can pick up the basics relatively quick. However it takes time to really get comfortable with it and it becomes second nature. You're going to stall, your going to grind. You're not going to be smooth and your going to think you've broken something. However dint be scared of it and you'll get it.
I have just gotten my permit and medical card. I have never driven stick before. How hard is it to learn on a truck? How hard is the schooling? What should I pay attention to the most?
Posted: 9 years ago
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Well... I'm a few days out starting with Prime. I leave this Saturday and Star on Monday. This has been a bit of a quick process for me as I made the decision just a matter of weeks ago.
Posted: 9 years ago
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As long as you work hard on High Road, you'll breeze through the test. Trust me.
Hope so... I found a Missouri's practice test online... So I've been taking that. I get high 90's but I will worry about it until I see "Pass" on the screen lol
Posted: 9 years ago
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It doesn't work like that. I have a payment plan set up and the arrears are being paid on a timely basis,along with a weekly payment of the regular support deductions.
As long as you're paying on time and arrears you can get them to lift it for work purposes.
It happened to me...I was hurt in the military. It required me to get surgeries a few years later after I was out.... While I was recovering I fell behind on child support so Ohio blocked me from getting a passport.
I needed to get one for my new job. So I looked up the revised code and brought it to them and argued my case. In the end... Ohio ended up lifting the ban. So my suggestion... Read your States laws, bring them in with you, be respectful and you have a good chance. I got mine...
Posted: 9 years ago
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I would love to drive for CRST, but they are the only company to turn my wife down lol. A rolling stop got her a careless ticket four years ago. No one else has cared about it.
That's crazy... Crst, Pam, switft, prime all accepted me. I rolled my car little over 3 years ago...
Got sited for it but accident report said I wasn't at fault. They literally told me there only reason I got sited was emergency crews etc were involved. Magistrate said "somebody's got to pay". Little town looking for $$$ I suspect.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Thank you sir... Little nervous because no formal training for learners permit but I've used high road and other practice tests...
I was in the military for 11 years so being early is a way of life... Ha-ha
Posted: 9 years ago
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Just wanted to stop in and say... I start Prime's CDL program a week from Monday.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Thank you all!!!
I was a relative new comer you the forums about a month ago. It many great replies while I was researching schools eventually landing on Prime Inc.
I had full intentions to right this huge detailed blog about my experience and I still might. I'm here to say thank you to Trucking truth and it's members providing necessary tools and wisdom.
Not only did I get my CDL I passed my written tests and practical tests on the first shot. I'm now on my first home time during my TNT phase of training.... Thanks guys