Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
Social Link:
Simo On The Web
No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Look at your mirror and slow down thats all
I would make a list 9f the things I need to learn and work on them wo th the new trainer. If you are trying to avoid cars.... are you driving too fast? Too closely? Are you not looking in your mirrors to predict upcoming hazards?
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you I will keep you guys update
Yes two days orientation After that i willl go with trainer for 4 weeks or 3 which good for me Get more experience
I am really happy to hear that. I agree with your positive outlook on it. Good luck.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Yes two days orientation After that i willl go with trainer for 4 weeks or 3 which good for me Get more experience
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Yes thank u guys for all the comments, monday im staring with Western exp,i told them my situation they're ok
Simo, keep your head up, once you get another job, don't get out of your trainers truck until you have had all your questions answer and you feel absolutely positive your able to drive without fear, or questions on what to do in most scenarios I would asked my trainer what do I do in case of...... not that I'm a perfect driver God knows I've made my share of mistakes but for the most part I'm always focus and alert of who or what is around me, good luck, ..... out
They're call me today to fire me So im fired of these mistakes
Yes thats what i will do My trainer from the day handle me the truck he went to sleep plus alots.. I will do what it take to get my job i know my mistakes..i will work on them
It my fault cause i avoid a cars but no one can believe me cause i dont have camera in my dash. It was my week solo after i got out from trainer truck. I hit tree and i nock traffic light .
Avoiding cars is not a valid reason to hit another object in most circumstances. Especially since trees and traffic light poles are not in the roadway, which means your truck left the road.
Two preventable accidents in the same day is going to look pretty bad to most companies, rookie or not. Since you didn't receive a ticket for either accident you probably have a better chance. Still, in this case I think you'd be best off trying to remain at your current company. You said they pulled you from the truck and you're waiting on an answer on whether you're still employed or not.
My advice is to humble yourself. Admit your mistakes, don't make excuses, and beg for a second chance. Offer to go back out for training. Do whatever it takes to remain employed there. Short of that, apply anywhere and everywhere you can.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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They're call me today to fire me So im fired of these mistakes
Yes thats what i will do My trainer from the day handle me the truck he went to sleep plus alots.. I will do what it take to get my job i know my mistakes..i will work on them
It my fault cause i avoid a cars but no one can believe me cause i dont have camera in my dash. It was my week solo after i got out from trainer truck. I hit tree and i nock traffic light .
Avoiding cars is not a valid reason to hit another object in most circumstances. Especially since trees and traffic light poles are not in the roadway, which means your truck left the road.
Two preventable accidents in the same day is going to look pretty bad to most companies, rookie or not. Since you didn't receive a ticket for either accident you probably have a better chance. Still, in this case I think you'd be best off trying to remain at your current company. You said they pulled you from the truck and you're waiting on an answer on whether you're still employed or not.
My advice is to humble yourself. Admit your mistakes, don't make excuses, and beg for a second chance. Offer to go back out for training. Do whatever it takes to remain employed there. Short of that, apply anywhere and everywhere you can.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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I will pkus no one told me to go for drug test rhat weird to me
No damage to the tree Trailer get damage little bit in top. The traffic light got damage it need to be replace. I was avoiding cars!!
Yes, Simo, avoiding cars is important. But you also need to avoid everything else.
Since you're new solo, even with the damage you have, your company might keep you, after a very serious talk. Maybe some extra practice with another instructor.
Let us know what happens.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Yes thats what i will do My trainer from the day handle me the truck he went to sleep plus alots.. I will do what it take to get my job i know my mistakes..i will work on them
It my fault cause i avoid a cars but no one can believe me cause i dont have camera in my dash. It was my week solo after i got out from trainer truck. I hit tree and i nock traffic light .
Avoiding cars is not a valid reason to hit another object in most circumstances. Especially since trees and traffic light poles are not in the roadway, which means your truck left the road.
Two preventable accidents in the same day is going to look pretty bad to most companies, rookie or not. Since you didn't receive a ticket for either accident you probably have a better chance. Still, in this case I think you'd be best off trying to remain at your current company. You said they pulled you from the truck and you're waiting on an answer on whether you're still employed or not.
My advice is to humble yourself. Admit your mistakes, don't make excuses, and beg for a second chance. Offer to go back out for training. Do whatever it takes to remain employed there. Short of that, apply anywhere and everywhere you can.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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No damage to the tree Trailer get damage little bit in top. The traffic light got damage it need to be replace. I was avoiding cars!!
What were you doing when you hit these things?
Was there any damage to either your truck or the light and tree?
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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I had two preventable accidents in same day it was one of these days olus im new driver. It my fault cause i avoid a cars but no one can believe me cause i dont have camera in my dash. It was my week solo after i got out from trainer truck. I hit tree and i nock traffic light . My questions is What gonna happen to my record since i didn't get tickect!! Did i have chance to get job with another company ,cause they're pull me from the truck i have to wait for answer!! Any help it will be appreciated
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Preventable accident
Im going to do it,thank you so much for your helpfull comment. I learn the lesson now I feel my life how it gonna be without job... Thank you again