Profile For Kat

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    Columbus , GA

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Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Decisions, Decisions

Oh...and I really don't see a lot of the NE either. Guess it just depends.


Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Decisions, Decisions

I meant to add that the word is driving solo with Prime is going to get you up to the northeast a lot, that the west coast is reserved for teams. Perhaps somebody like Rainy could confirm or deny.

When I was running solo I got out to the west coast quite a bit!

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Brakes question

And. Hey Kat. Long time no see. Hope all is well.

I'm doing great! Staying really busy and loving being out here. I am in my second year with Prime now. Made the decision this year to give training a go, and my first student upgrades this coming week. I need to pop in more!

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Brakes question

We did the reverse/forward thing a few times too! That's what finally broke the last stubborn one loose.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Brakes question

I am aware that brakes can freeze up during extremely cold weather, but what would cause that to happen when the temps aren't an issue? The last time I was home, my truck sat parked up under my carport (the rear portion...drives). Temps ranged from 40's to upper 70's. Truck was parked for six days. When we went to pull out of my driveway, all four drive tire brakes were frozen/stuck. I took a hammer and lightly knocked each one and was able to get them all rolling, but what on earth would cause that to happen??? Never had that issue before! confused.gif

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Why all the hate...?

This website is not the problem. I am probably one of the most tolerant people on the planet when it comes to conversations with differing opinions. I welcome debate, even on hot topic issues. However, I don't like feeling disrespected or being told that my views and experience are meaningless simply because of the path I took to get my CDL or the company I work for. It's tough enough being a woman in this industry without having to deal with guys who make name calling and put downs their primary occupation. If I see someone spreading blatant misinformation about Prime, I'm going to step up and say something, and I'm going to let others know that I have had an overall positive experience with them. So no, I don't think I need to relax. I think as a whole, the level of respect shown to fellow drivers needs to come up some. (outside of this forum, in the real world) I may not have 20 years under my belt, but I worked hard to get where I am today.

Kat, I'm wondering if what you call "hate" is actually another person's offer of a different idea to solve a problem or offer of a suggestion you may not agree with. I've been on this web forum a bit more than twice as long as you have. There have been plenty of disagreements that did get personal. (Thankfully, Brett does take out the garbage as needed, so you won't find them here.)

There are lots of threads covering the every-day stuff, as well as hot button items like driver cams, weapons on board, unions, even trucker chapels at truck stops. But unfortunately these are some things that get cleaned up, since the discussion soon does not involve trucking.

But overall, Trucking Truth forums stay focused on trucking, driver's and rookie's experiences, and such.

Kat, nowhere else can you get the quality of help you find here, even for correcting your misunderstandings and filling in "holes" in your training. Relax!

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Why all the hate...?

Why is there so much animosity toward newer drivers and the larger companies?? I have lost count of the number of conversations that I have had to distance myself from because of all the bashing going on toward rookie drivers and "mega carriers". When I have tried to offer someone advice about training or discussed my experience working for Prime, people have been so nasty! Is it that older (more experienced) drivers have just forgotten what it's like to be new and struggling starting out in this industry or are they just a-holes? Everybody has to start somewhere, and it seems like the larger companies are really the only ones out there truly willing to take a chance on someone just starting out. We aren't born holding a CDL after all! LOL


Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Insults and ELDs

I have had to remove myself from several Facebook groups for truckers lately because I just can't stand the insults and whining any longer. I don't understand all the uproar and misinformation circulating about electronic log use now that it is being mandated. I have only used elogs and obviously have no issue making decent money, so I just don't get it. The rules haven't changed (8/10/14/70), so is it just that so many people out there who have been paper logging are now going to be forced to run legally that is the issue with these guys? When I have spoken of my own experience with them and lack of problems, the insults being hurled back at me are unbelievable. It seems there is a lot of hatred out there toward "mega carriers" and those of us who choose to drive for them are nothing more than steering wheel holders with no brains who like being told when to sleep, when to drive, what loads to run, etc. AND that's putting it nicely! I believe the last thing given to describe me was that I was a stupid, mega carrier c***, a flunked out teacher and a Prime what did I know about anything? I just know I'm happy doing this. I make enough money, and I love how Prime treats me. Don't know how that is a bad thing!


Makes me even more appreciative of this forum. Outside of the Prime driver pages I frequent, this is by far the most supportive environment for truckers.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Road Training for the vegetarian?

I became vegetarian WHILE I was training due to the up close and personal with the meat industry. It wasn't a difficult change. Do you eat fish? If so, that makes it a little easier out here.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Not what you’d expect during a pre-trip.

Yeah, and like most predators, they're way faster than you would ever expect them to be. You do the math and you'd think, "Ok, attach a 10 inch set of tiny arms to what amounts to a 300 pound hot dog and how fast could it possibly run, right?"

It turns out the math is deceiving and the answer is actually SUPER DAMN FAST!!!!


Are you speaking from experience there, Brett? rofl-3.gif

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