Driving Status:
In CDL School
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I'm a CDL student starting this month, March 2016 (a late bloomer). The trucking lifestyle may be the best for me yet. I like to move around and be on the go. I can live very well with very little, after 3 huge yard sales of downsizing. I prefer it that way now. The Air Force discovered that I'm mechanically inclined on my ASVAB and so I entered the flightline as a sheet metal mechanic overseas. While overseas I learned to improvise. Later I relied on a lot of DIY budgeting for a family. I suspect these experiences will help me on the road now. I'm naturally curious about how things work. I especially want to learn safe and economical operations of 18-wheelers. Trucking Truth has been a real assist so far. I decided to join Trucking Truth to take advantage of the CDL training materials, but also to participate on the Trucker's Forum.
The company I'm starting with is Swift for their veteran's full scholarship. I'm glad for the opportunity there, and here.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Trucker diet need help
I'm in CDL school and have wondered about the same thing. For me the solution is dehydrated fruits and vegetables and planning ahead during home time. Here's a good overview at Mother Earth News: http://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/drying/dry-fruits-and-vegetables-at-home-zmaz77jazgoe.aspx
And here's a good link on the DIY processes: http://farmgal.tripod.com/Dehydrate.html