Bismarck, ND
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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I'm a new cdl holder. Only done 100 hours of training drive time. Trying to gain as much knowledge as I can about this line of work.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Awesome info guys thanks for all your input, that helps me out a lot
Posted: 9 years ago
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Top 10 things you absolutely have to have in your truck
Great stuff yall thanks for the info!
Posted: 9 years ago
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Looking at older posts about planning your trips I'm a little unclear on all the details of this. I'm thinking its most likely a basic fundamental of truck driving but if some one could break it down with an example that'd be awesome
Posted: 9 years ago
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Top 10 things you absolutely have to have in your truck
Thanks Persian conversion, I appreciate your time and opinion and I'd say there's a few things from your list I didn't think of
Posted: 9 years ago
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Top 10 things you absolutely have to have in your truck
New trucker here, just wondering from all types of truckers with all types of experience what would be the top 10 things you absolutely have to have in your truck I'd like to get an idea of things I may have not thought of bringing. Now I understand it's kind of a novelty question because of course you need more then 10 things but I'd still like to know all y'alls opinions and just to clarify I'm not meaning necessities like gps, smart phone, clothes, toiletries etc... But just the other useful things needed
Posted: 9 years ago
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I'm new to all this the only experience I have is about 100 hrs driving in cdl training. I've been laid off from the railroad and it's been a while since I've got a check. So I'm just looking to make money like us all, I've recently got two job offers one is a side dump truck hauling dirt for a small local company and the other is the teamsters pipeline which I'm not real sure what they'll have me do I assume haul pipe anyway I'm just wondering pay difference and expectations out of each if any of you have some info on this it will be greatly appreciated and thanks for your time
Posted: 9 years ago
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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?
Was a professionally trained chef mostly fine dining specializing in French cuisine did that for about 10 years
Then I was a railroad conductor (Got laid off)
Then went back to cooking and was promptly reminded why I got out of it
So I tried out doing track maintenence for the railroad (got laid off again big surprise ha)
And now I'm doing this