Pensacola, FL
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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42 year old noob truck driver. Proud father of an amazing 5 year old daughter.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Super Noob Looking For Any And All Advice
Hey guys! I graduate next week from TDI trucking school and I'll be choosing a company and going out over the road within a few weeks. I just wanted to post this up in the hopes that any of you vets out there will write down what YOU WISH someone had told you when you first started. I know my first year will basically suck and I won't make much, but I want to hear from you if you know of any particularly good companies for noobs, and if you know of any that noobs should stay away from. What can I do to maximize my income in the first year? The whole reason I started doing this was I was sick of working my ass off and barely pulling home $400 a week. My hope was to at least double that in my first year. I know that's a tall order, but if you have anything to say that you think could get me there please let me know. Pull my coat! Thanks in advance.... JR
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Super Noob Looking For Any And All Advice
What company do you work for Sue D? They hire right out of school I guess, right?