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Posted:  7 years ago

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Profuel, LLC any reviews

Thank You! I will check them out

Good luck in whatever you decide to do, but I just want to throw this out there. Have you checked with Carolina Cargo I know they are a second chance company and may actually give you a shot. I am not too sure on the pay but I do know they run some decent miles by some of their drivers I have talked to at fuel stops and whatnot. Any way best of luck.

Posted:  7 years ago

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Profuel, LLC any reviews

They're also known as Resource Transport and haul Frac Sand in the oil fields. I remember their trucks from when I hauled sand out west and I'll tell you don't waste your time. There's good money on sand right now and getting better but you won't make it with them. If you're set o on oilfield, look up Texas chrome trucking (same guy that owns Texas chrome shop in San Antonio) or Agility energy. They're at least legitimate folks to work for. Agility was started by the former owner of Midwest Petroleum (hauled all the fuel for pilot and flying J) he sold it to start Agility and now hauls sand, water and chemicals for energy companies down south and in the east.

Thank You! I will look them up and check it out

Posted:  7 years ago

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Profuel, LLC any reviews

It's a w2 plus per diem


They told me 2500 plus a week!


Did you ask them if you are getting a W-2 at the end of the year? Are you actually on the payroll or are you getting a 1099 at the end of the year? It sounds to me like they are expecting you to be a lease operator. It certainly doesn't sound like you have all the necessary information just based on the things you stated.

Posted:  7 years ago

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Profuel, LLC any reviews

I have a drug felony. A lot of the big companies will not hire me. So I have to make due what I can feed myself

Hey Michael, here's what makes my radar go off: Why is it that you keep looking into small obscure companies? You could have a great career by working for some of the largest trucking companies out there. You could have great equipment, consistent miles, and solid paychecks. What is your reasoning behind your choices? I would think the last company you were complaining about to us would have taught you a lesson in this, but then again some of us are slow to learn.

Posted:  7 years ago

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Profuel, LLC any reviews

Hello guys and ladies

I'm looking to get into the tanker world in Texas. Wondering anyone have any insight about the company profuel. They told me 2500 plus a week! So My radar went off to do some research

Thanks for the help and an advice

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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What should I do if a company does not pay?

Small company less than ten trucks. Not paying your check. Who is paying for the fuel? The fuel card still works? Who is dispatching you? Drive to the Yard and see them in person. Be respectful. Dont say things you might regret.

Fuel card for the fuel, dispatcher send me the load. When I tell them I'm bring their truck back. Dispatcher tells me I already put you in for this load. If you don't pick up the load and deliver. You just abandon a load

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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What should I do if a company does not pay?

But DO NOT abandon the truck just anywhere. THAT can destroy your DAC. Be sure to drop it where they tell you. get it in writing that you dropped it. it would be best to drive it to their terminal, get a receipt then get a ticket from another company for the bus. record a video with your phone that you dropped it and the condition of the truck.

you say they are not responding, yet you are driving 650 miles per day. how? how are they dispatching you?

Put a message in yhe QC stating you need an emergency response to your message or that you are headed into the terminal.

thats what i would do. take it to them, record it as proof, and record the truck condition so they cant try to bill you for damages

The dispatcher call me for the loads to be picked and where to go. Basically get the threats if I don't take this load I'm abandoning a load because they already got me down to pick it up

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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What should I do if a company does not pay?

Small company less than ten trucks. Not paying your check. Who is paying for the fuel? The fuel card still works? Who is dispatching you? Drive to the Yard and see them in person. Be respectful. Dont say things you might regret.

Fuel card still work. Dispatcher calls me for the loads. When I ask about my money, dispatcher tell me to talk to the owner. I ask to get a load to their location so I can drop the truck off. Basically the dispatcher will tell I already booked you for this load. If you don't take it, you just abandon a load

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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What should I do if a company does not pay?

You might actually get someone to pay your way from there. The large carriers will normally send a bus ticket to anyone who is joining their program. If you contact some of the major carriers they might just do that for you.

You can apply to 7 of them right here on our site with one real short application. They'll contact you pretty quickly and give you some answers:

apply for truck driving jobs

Thank you

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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What should I do if a company does not pay?

I would get another job right away and then decide if you want to try to pursue this or not. Chances are it's going to be a waste of time. It would probably cost you more time and money to fight it than is worth doing. Sometimes you're just better off chalking it up to experience and moving on.

I'm still in there truck. Where I have to drop their truck off is far from where I live. So I will be stuck unless another company pay my way to them. Thank you for the advice

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