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Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Us/canadian trucking companies,
I know i have another thread started but wanted to start a another one so there is no confusion. Does anybody know of what trucking companies that are both us/canada based? i would like to know the companies that have a terminal out of chicago and canada, but i am willing to move if not in chicago.
thanks all
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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American\canadin team drivers. Canadian teammate live In USA with me?
Yea defiantly not trying to do anything illlegal. I don't approve of being illegal. Just trying to find a way to be able to drive togther at a company. If not, I am going to put a hold on looking for a job and sell my cars and move back to Detroit. That way while the whole waiting process to become a resendent, at least I can ride along with him since he is always in the usa. He don't do Canada to Canada runs.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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American\canadin team drivers. Canadian teammate live In USA with me?
That's what he told me. It don't sound right. Just can come pick up and live in USA and work for a Canadian company.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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American\canadin team drivers. Canadian teammate live In USA with me?
Yea I am still in the process of searching for more info. He was saying as long as he re-enters Canada within 6 months, there will be no issues since we both will be doing the same run from USA to Canada only. We just have to find a company hopefully out of Chicago that will hire us. The company he is at right now says they would hire is but we have to prove our relationship. I don't know how to do that without getting married which is not something I am trying to rush into.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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American\canadin team drivers. Canadian teammate live In USA with me?
I am a us citizen and my partner is a Canadan. We want to be team mates and he wants to live with me in the us. I know we have to get hired in a company that shippes back and forth to Canada and us, also can't do delivers state to state. My question is, does he just pick up and move here with me and as long as he keeps rendering Canada there won't be any problems? Or what paper work is needed? He asked at the is border and they said when he is ready to move here, just say that he will be staying with me and is a truck driver only moving from Chicago and Canada. Nether me or him want to give up our citizenship's. He said I will be hired in at the USA location and him on the Canadian side but drive together.
Thank you all.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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American\canadin team drivers. Canadian teammate live In USA with me?
Is your partner Canadian ?