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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 3 years, 6 months ago
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Anyone have any info regarding the dollar tree account at USA Truck? I've already spoke with a recruiter and have checked out other topics regarding this on here. just looking for any new info.
Posted: 6 years, 5 months ago
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I'm headed to Springfield Prime Fri
As I mentioned earlier I didn't get a chance to respond to every comment due to the fact that everyone got all hyped up over this and everyone made their comments at once which led to some comments getting pushed back. What would you like to know? For the moment I have time to answer your questions. I dont see how anyone could get that I implied 100k. I never claimed to earn 100k. Does everybody know the definition of "average" means? Apparently not... in my last comment I told you how I earn that number I do exactly that week after week month after month except during those occasions as stated in my previous comments. I'm confident that the numbers I have are pretty accurate and no I'm not saying they're 100% accurate but I'm not the only one that's looked them over and got the same results. Business numbers are not uncharted territory for me as my previous profession was in business management with a non for profit organization so yes I'm very familiar with taxes too...
Posted: 6 years, 5 months ago
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I'm headed to Springfield Prime Fri
Even though I feel mistreated and attacked by some of you and not giving me a chance to go on I'll still share more info with you... basically the way I'm able to stay around the $2,000 mark is I'm always in the northeast doing shorter trips. Very rarely I go west of the Mississippi river. And when I'm below that 2 mark its because I took time off or I go all the way up to Maine and get something that pays lower or i get stuck at a customer. Sometimes I'm to tired after a load and want to take 10 early.... I prefer to drive at night way less traffic and when it's time to shut down I have no issues finding parking since its after 0800. I do about 5, 6 on average loads a week. Thats how I'm able to average the amount I said. Sometimes more sometimes less... can we please all be grown adults and not try to find everyone's faults?
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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I'm headed to Springfield Prime Fri
Everybody I'd on so many different pages. When you have a death in the family money is the last thing on your mind unless your moral compass out of whack. My opinion is not about 2,000 go back to my very first comment....
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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I'm headed to Springfield Prime Fri
I am not claiming I make that much. I clearly said only if I work every single week with no days off. Which I said I dont do... I really could careless if any of you believe me or not. I have no gain or loss if anyone agrees or disagrees with me. All I did was stated my opinion... just like all of you. I have taken what I learned in my previous business position (non trucking job) and everything I was taught by my trainer when I entered this industry and used those experiences/knowledge to my advantage. I accept all of everyones criticism, opinions, and statements. With all that being said we've reached a dead end and theres no reason for any of us to continue wasting our day on how much someone earns.
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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I'm headed to Springfield Prime Fri
If I worked all 52 weeks of the year then my answer would be yes. But I do not work all 52.
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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I'm headed to Springfield Prime Fri
My average is 2,000 a week AFTER ALL expenses. That's my weekly average net. Like I said that's average but most of the time I'm around 2 sometimes higher but sometimes around 1500 to 1800 and that's only when I get stuck at a customer or accept a load that doesnt pay great. Hometime I can go months I like being out as I mentioned no kids or wife.
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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I'm headed to Springfield Prime Fri
I understand math and yeah I know the difference between gross and net pay. All I'm saying is what I make after all of my deductions including taxes and even bills back home is higher than what I'd make if I were a company driver. Yes money is being saved for the future... I'm a single guy with no kids and the bank account builds up each week...
I've added up my miles to the rate of what I'd make if I was company and both amounts are very far apart.
Of course they are. One of those amounts are revenues to a business before taxes and business expenses. The other amount is an actual "paycheck." If you don't understand those most basic business accounting principles, we certainly cannot allow you to try and teach our members about the virtues or advantages of leasing a truck.
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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I'm headed to Springfield Prime Fri
I disagree about the money being close to the same for lo and company. I've added up my miles to the rate of what I'd make if I was company and both amounts are very far apart. It all comes down to you, how you manage your clock and your dispatcher. I'm lease and I've never felt worried about payday and infact I'm surprised on most fridays because I wasn't expecting the amount to be higher than I thought. I took off a week for labor day weekend and the load I had before going home I made the mistake of accepting it to close to my hometime days. It dumped me 800 miles away from home but there was a death in my family and I needed to be home. So I deadheaded those 800 miles took a week off and STILL made a good paycheck. To be honest I really dont see how lease and company could be close unless the lease driver has a bad dispatcher, accepts low paying loads, or doesn't like to work. But lease is not for the long term. You'd be foolish to keep renewing a lease. That's ALOT of money you'd be out year after year.
Posted: 2 years, 11 months ago
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Walmart Private Fleet
Anyone started working in Walmart's own fleet recently? I've already read Turtle's diary and it was helpful. Just looking to see if anyone has any updated information.