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Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Thanks Paul W. They told me I would probably be on Disability the rest of my life. The last few years I have been swimming and working out everyday. Im looking into the Ticket to work Program and I will go back to work. If I have to start out hauling grain or gravel I will, whatever it takes to get my work history started again. I have plenty of references and a good driving record. My police record is also good so I should pass a background check easily. I just want to feel Im pulling my own weight again!
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Well I am 54 years old and about 10 years ago I became disabled due to a back injury to my lower back. Two surgeries later, I suffer from foot drop on my left foot because of damage to the nerves in my left leg. My wife was able to land a great job making 3 times what I made, so I took over raising our boys and being a stay at home Dad.I have managed to lose about 150 lbs, get off all my diabetes medicine and strengthen my lower back to the point I am wanting to try to go back to work. I will always walk with a limp but I have no problem using a clutch with my bad leg. My question is will my time on disability kill any chance of being hired as a driver? I'm hoping I could at least find a part time or day driving job. I have saved up enough to pay for my CDL School through DMACC. I really need some advice!
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Going Home, But Not Necessarily Because I Want To
Sorry to hear about the skin cancer. I went through the same thing a few years back. Its a little scary when they don't know how deep they have to go. Thank God mine was very small and all turned out well. On the bright side you get a few days off and it sounds like your company really thinks you are a valuable asset. I will say a prayer for you! Good luck.