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In CDL School
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Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Yeah, they're right -- you aren't taking the test to take a test. It isn't testing how much memorization, but rather how well you've understood what you're supposed to know. I was nervous about mine as well; came across a couple of questions never covered in my class discussions but it was fine because of all three tests (air brakes, combination, and general), i only got 3 wrong. You study a lot, yes, but don't stress so much! Just understand the stuff and you'll be fine.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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A social question, for the non-new TT members....
This site feels like a home full of family and friends.
Exactly why i asked what i had!!!!! And LOL @everyone on here teasing each other!!!!
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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A social question, for the non-new TT members....
G-Town, that's actually a good point... I think I did see it referenced somewhere that members used to be able to instant message (or message) each other through here? Wonder why that feature was taken away. You're one of those who seems to know the members here, also, haha, so I'm glad you responded!
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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A social question, for the non-new TT members....
I should add that I'm continuously impressed with how friendly everyone is to each other, and supportive without any nastiness and in an entirely casual and non-stuffy way. Like you guys are a group of friends IRL, too.. or have actually met each other on the roads, or something. It's impressive for new members like myself to observe.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Not everything in life is easy, nor will it be handed to you.
What, it isn't? And it won't? Well, damnit.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Security Clearances, TWIC Cards, & Hazmat/Tanker Endorsements
You're basically saying you're going to save money by keeping $20 in your pocket now but limiting your long term career opportunities. That's shortsighted. Make your decisions pay off for the long term.
Brett, it isn't $20 here in NY with the background check stuff. Neither is the TWIC. Yes, right now I don't have the funds to shell out for both of them, so when I do have funds for the $100+ fee, I can only choose one. For some people, yeah $100 is a huge spend... like an unemployed person. Right now, no Hazmat/Tanker doesn't seem to take priority over TWIC - especially considering as the future rookie driver, I wouldn't want to concern myself with Hazardous Materials and Tankers just yet, but definitely want to be able to say I can access anywhere. Remember, "right now" doesn't mean "never"... just not right now!
By the way, yes I had done a chunk of the training program.. in preparation for the CDL permit testing. It's been passed. The rest of it, yeah I'll have to do for the other endorsements! For some reason, I thought I had to get the CDL permit first in order to be able to take any other endorsement exams (not that I actually did have the funds to be pilling on the exams anyway, pfft.)
I want to get my school bus endorsement just to say i can legally drive anything. My goal is to drive triple tankers of hazardous material pulled by a school bus.
LOL my personal thought, too.. just to say I can drive absolutely anything. I actually looked at the school bus/passenger section of the DMV manual before even asking my question (and all the other endorsements)... it requires a skills test as well, not just a written, like the tanker/hazmat is only written. I figured that one could definitely wait, haha! But -- exactly: Triple tankers of hazardous material pulled by a school bus!!!!!!!
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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A social question, for the non-new TT members....
So I'm going through some more threads and reading everyone's comments to each others. It seems most of the time, the posed questions and threads are created by new members/rookie drivers and yadda yadda, but I'm wondering -- of the members who are not new on this site nor new to trucking but obviously feel super comfortable with each other here in that jokes are made- some friendly jests, private and running jokes referenced....
How well do you guys actually know each other on here?
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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How to get back on track when I get too deep into my thoughts?
I haven't been out on the road trucking yet, but I do deal with a lot of "thinking time" right here from home..... so, three things I'm wondering:
1- Is it possible that the youtube videos, talk shoes, audio books, etc, actually encourages your brain to be more active and to think more, with the fact that everything spoken has to be processed..... rather than mellow out?
2- following above question, how about using music instead to kind of "switch off" the brain so that it's not constantly stimulated and processing. Music works for me in that way.
3- Also, this might sound a bit odd - especially for a guy- but this has worked remarkably well as a relaxation and mind-soothing technique even for my own overactive brain: a diffuser with aromatherapy (or real essential) oils. I would imagine a diffuser with calming and relaxing oils like lavender, mandarin, patouchli, or tea tree accompanied with music would really work well to settle down the brain and even cut down on anxiety. Personally, I only use real essential oils since I also make my own scented "lotion" in a carrier oil (aromatherapy oils are strictly only to fragrance the air, with the health/skin/hair benefits stripped). I like my small electric diffusers; they disperse by steamed vapor, which is also why I use real essential oils, as some of the oils I use also has the nasal decongestant or headache relief properties. An electric diffuser isn't needed, though -- there are other simple non-electronic ways (like by bamboo sticks, etc).. although I also love the additional feature of lighting ambiance (one even changes colors!) with mine, too, haha. note: The cab would smell reallllyyyyyyy good.... as a super-bonus!
My two main mixes (yes, I have two diffusers -- my brain seriously does not shut off!)
living room (daytime) for anxiety reducing: tea tree, tangerine, cinnamon
bedroom (nighttime) for better sleep: lavender, jasmine, rosemary (on occasion, for nasal decongestion)
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Security Clearances, TWIC Cards, & Hazmat/Tanker Endorsements
My understanding is these things are obtained by the self, not through company. So whether to already have them before even being hired...? Hmm. The Hazmat/tanker, I know... Just don't think it's a priority to obtain for the one year I'm OTR'ing. I'd think TWIC would be more the priority here. If I was rich enough, it wouldn't matter -- just shell out for all of it. LOL
Posted: 7 years, 12 months ago
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OTR Trucking is HARD WORK???